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No dependency resolution on Enlightenment DR17 Debian repo

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009, 16:08
by shankargopal
I've been trying to get the E17 repositories set up in dpup 476j. One of the problems I already encountered is described here. However, after getting past that, it now seems that dependency resolution is a problem. When I try to install the main e17 package (which I have not yet been able to do due to download problems as described in that earlier thread), I am told that no dependencies are required. But I know for a fact that the package requires a large number of dependencies (all of which are in the same repository), as also described in the Packages file generated by PPM:

Code: Select all

e17_0.16.999.062+svn41533|e17|0.16.999.062+svn41533|1|Desktop|5780K|pool/lenny/binaries-20090807/main/e|e17_0.16.999.062+svn41533-1_i386.deb|+libasound2,+libc6,+libcurl3,+libdbus-1-3,+libecore-con-svn-03,+libecore-evas-svn-03,+libecore-fb-svn-03,+libecore-file-svn-03,+libecore-imf-svn-03,+libecore-input-svn-03,+libecore-ipc-svn-03,+libecore-job-svn-03,+libecore-svn-03,+libecore-txt-svn-03,+libecore-x-svn-03,+libedbus-svn-03,+libedje-svn-03,+libeet1,+libefreet-svn-03,+libeina-svn-03,+libembryo0,+libevas-svn-03,+libgnutls26,+libpam0g,+libx11-6,+libxext6,+e17-data,+libevas-svn-03-engine-software-x11,+libedje-bin|The Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager|
The original Packages file from the repository is available at the repo here: ... 6/Packages. Any idea why the dependency resolution does not seem to be working?

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 01:56
by runtt21
I havent run Dpup yet so I can't help you with the repo issue. But it looks like they have just enough of the the EFL parts to make e17 work.I build mine from snapshot off the enlightenment site. So when I build enia and eet and efreet ,I have the whole set of libs not just part . It looks like they have split stuff up for DEV etc..... That should work But you wont be able to run the extra modules or elementary .You will also need to fix some things for puppy to work with it. If dpup uses the rox pinboard you will need to turn that off. You may also have problems with menus and shutdown.

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 02:36
by gposil
The Lenny repos enlightenment package, assumes that the devx is installed to start with...a bad assumption in the case of dpup...I think the best idea, is that you build it as runtt21 says...

The problem will not be much of a drama once APT/Synaptic is available for 482 series Dpup(26th November)...but at this stage 47x series will not be catered for...that will change once 482 is a bit more mature...we are going to backport all the 482 features to 47x series with a new retro kernel.


Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 23:01
by runtt21
Or you can just wait a few days until Prit and I release the next Macpup . It has version e17_0.16.999.062 compiled from source......