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PPLOG CSS templates

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2009, 21:32
by dejan555
With bit of css tweaking and gimping you can make pplog look cool, here's a hint:


I attach css and header image, unpack into blog dir (/root/httpd/blog or /root/Web-Server/blog/ depending on your install), make a backup of your current style.css first if you want to switch back.

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2009, 16:27
by fedekun
Im glad to see people who like the simplicity of PPLOG :)
I will change the website soon and make a new version with slight changes fixing problems people emailed me.

In my pplog blog (which i dont update much, i have modified my PPLOG css to make it look like this


You can find the CSS here


It's important to note that menu can be on the right and content on the left, you can modify many things with css, and if you are brave, maybe add some javascript to make it look nice :)

Enjoy ~

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2009, 18:17
by dejan555
Very slick!

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2009, 18:57
by dejan555
Here's a new style with menu on the right

Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 12:57
by pri
i was learn to write and make some of blog.

i have a few blog with wordpress blog and upload easily to a free web server.

but on pplog i have a problem upload it. i think i was doing it corectly, but still can work.

can you here make a tutorial to upload to a webserver ? i often use 000webhost

Posted: Thu 21 Jan 2010, 14:39
by dejan555
Regarding upload, you do it same as anything else that you would upload, thru ftp or whatever that your webhost gives you. PPLOG is perl script though so your host must support that for it to run. If it's free hosting they probably don't give your perl. Some hosts also may be blocking .pl files it's probably issue with your hosting. Wordpress is on other hand php which is offered ny almost any host.

Posted: Wed 03 Feb 2010, 20:18
by dejan555
Here's a dark one blackish with carbon fiber like bg

Posted: Wed 03 Feb 2010, 21:39
by dejan555
Here's a revised version of that one, very simple black/grey tones no flashy headers and flat background. Thanks to alienjeff for suggestions.