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1.0.7b: no rox Run Action for .sh

Posted: Sun 25 Dec 2005, 00:48
by GuestToo
there doesn't seem to be a Rox Run Action for dot sh files ... if you click a dot sh file, it doesn't run

Posted: Sun 25 Dec 2005, 04:08
by Lobster
:? I demand a refund

[Lobster been at the brandy Butter]

Posted: Sun 25 Dec 2005, 12:45
by BarryK
I have sometimes accidentally left-clicked on a .sh script when I actually meant to open it in a text editor ...dumb yes... which is why I'm personally in no hurry to have a file association for it!

...unless I associate it with a text editor?
Probably not what others would want though.