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Google OS code released

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 20:42
by ndujoe1 ... stribution

Does this have any implications for Puppy Linux. Can Puppy work with this approach. Should Puppy ignore this development?

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 20:59
by alienjeff
I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll continue to say it: "Google is the Microsoft of the new millenium. And mark my words - the evil of Microsoft that people perceive pales in comparison to that of the spawn of Brin and Page."

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2009, 23:09
by ITAmember
Consider them marked. At the present moment, however, Google is releasing lots of open source software. I believe they will be a major component in the overthrow of Microsoft; after which they will turn to the dark side. This leads back to the quote "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 08:13
by linuxcbon
alienjeff wrote:I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll continue to say it: "Google is the Microsoft of the new millenium. And mark my words - the evil of Microsoft that people perceive pales in comparison to that of the spawn of Brin and Page."


or just trolling your way through all forums ? :?

BTW, You forgot to write RTFM and to tell about your life and hobbies. :?

Re: Google OS code released

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 08:14
by linuxcbon
ndujoe1 wrote: ... stribution

Does this have any implications for Puppy Linux. Can Puppy work with this approach. Should Puppy ignore this development?
It has nothing to do with puppy.
Google is working with the linux kernel team. They use linux as a base, with GPL, they can add their own changes.
More infos : ... me-os.html

Posted: Sat 21 Nov 2009, 02:38
by Pizzasgood
linuxcbon wrote:
alienjeff wrote:I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll continue to say it: "Google is the Microsoft of the new millenium. And mark my words - the evil of Microsoft that people perceive pales in comparison to that of the spawn of Brin and Page."
Because they are taking over the web, amassing power. They have a lot of money behind them, which means they can throw their weight around amongst hardware developers and legislators to help shape the environment to their wishes. They run the most used websearch on the net, which means they can influence which information people find. They have ads all over the place, which means they can monitor how people use the web to better execute their schemes. They have email and chat and voip services, so that they can tie into our channels of communication. They are moving into mobile devices and now eyeing the desktop market too.

And IMHO they have a much better chance of taking over the world than MS did.

Obviously, those aren't end-of-the-world problems. If you feel that Google's search is biased, you can use another search. If you feel that their email program is spying on you, you can use another. Nobody forces you to use Google.

Then again, nobody forces anybody to use IE or Windows either. Yet people do. And the masses of people using Windows and IE cause trouble for the rest of us. Spam, for example, along with nonstandard websites.

When one company or group of people has too much power in too many areas, it is at generally a bad thing. Even if not used for evil, such power consolidation can have bad consequences. Conformity. Stagnation. Lowest-common-denominator targeting. Etc.

Lowest common denominator is one of the reasons Windows is such a pile of poop. They try to make it suitable for as many people as possible, which means targeting the lowest common denominator amongst all humans. Which, as it turns out, is poop. Linux on the other hand has a bunch of distros to fit a bunch of niches.

So, in some ways I'm not a fan of Google.

On the plus side, a Google-run-world would not be as bad as an MS- or Apple-run-world. That's not to say it's something I would like to see happen.

Do I care enough to take over the world myself to prevent other people from doing so? No.

Do I care enough to begin looking very seriously at cryptography and network security, and make my own personal distro? Yes.

(For the record, I do still use Gmail. I'm eventually going to run my own email server, but now isn't a good time for me to set that up. So rather than move twice, I'm just sticking with Gmail for the time being.)

EDIT: For clarification, I don't consider Google evil. Just potentially troublesome.

Posted: Sat 21 Nov 2009, 03:29
by alienjeff
I ran this link by a buddy and co-worker of mine who once worked for Google:

When I asked when his book is coming out, he replied:
Not a chance in hell. The nail that sticks up gets hammered. My former boss is now working down the hall from Obama. Sergei and Larry plan to rule the world. The entire Googleplex is essentially a cult.
Having worked with this guy for over a decade and knowing him as well as I do, I respect his appraisal of Google.

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 06:31
by alienjeff
A related update (linuxcbon take note):

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 01:47
by DMcCunney
Pizzasgood wrote:(For the record, I do still use Gmail. I'm eventually going to run my own email server, but now isn't a good time for me to set that up. So rather than move twice, I'm just sticking with Gmail for the time being.)
I use GMail as my primary email account. It polls a couple of other accounts, and all mail appears in my Gmail inbox. My GMail mail store is a database, searchable with standard Google methods. Labels and filters provide flexible means of categorizing and classifying.

I don't have to worry about my Inbox becoming full and mail bouncing because I've exceeded my space allocation on my email provider's server because I haven't been able to check it for a couple of days.

I don't have to worry about my local email client behaving strangely when my local mail store goes over a certain size. (Older versions of Outlook had problems is your mailbox.pst file grew over 2GB...)

I don't have to worry about malicious attachments because the mail is stored on Google's servers. They never reach my machine unless I specifically choose to download them, and I know what they are and where they came from before I do.

I don't worry about spam, because GMail has the best spam filters I've seen. Perhaps one spam a week actually makes it to my Inbox, and Report Spam means I won't see any more like it.

Yep, my mail is on Google's servers. Yes, they can potentially read it. I don't care. I have never considered email secure technology, and as a rule, I don't say things in email that would give me heartburn if they became public. You want to read my mail, Google? Have at! Unless you are me, you will be mystified or terminally bored.

If it's that private, hey! That's what GPG is for. But thus far, I have yet to have a reason to use it.

Does Google know a lot about me? Probably. What can they do with it? Sell it to advertisers, who want to better understand what they might be able to sell me and the best way to make the pitch. You know what? I don't care about that either. Like everyone else, I buy goods and services. Like anyone else, advertising is one way I discover stuff I might want to buy. Advertising that better targets who I am and what I need is good. It reduces the time and effort I have to expend the sort the wheat from the chaff. And I'm pretty good at reading between the lines of a pitch, knowing when I'm being sold a bill of goods, and saying "No!" to offers.
EDIT: For clarification, I don't consider Google evil. Just potentially troublesome.
Like any other publicly held company. I trust Google rather more than I trust M$. I simply recognize their motives. They want to stay in business. To do that, they have to make money. But unlike M$, I'm not effectively forced to use their services. There are alternatives to what they offer. Thus far, Google gets the nod here because their offerings are better than the alternatives.

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 03:41
by alienjeff

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 09:23
by Abnormalter ... oogle.html

-- Vocabulary of the article speaks for itself and gives the level of thinking the author ... ;)

However, I could not pass and do not respond to some statements that though they were given long ago, but have meaning, characteristic of well-known adherents.

Pizzasgood : "They try to make it suitable for as many people as possible, which means targeting the lowest common denominator amongst all humans."
-- And this means that the production of such a software company will have properties that best satisfy the greatest number of people.

Pizzasgood: "Linux on the other hand has a bunch of distros to fit a bunch of niches."
-- And this means that anyone who wants to pick a distro for the OS that best suit his personal needs, will have to try a bunch of fucking OS, forged these distributors!.. That is as saying: "Time is money" (in hidden form), and it is undoubtedly correct -- such the man has implicitly paying (for supposedly "free" to obtain their copy of the OS), and has huge loss of life of its own time, which incidentally can not be restored, and leaks as the sand between his fingers...

In the main. Both phenomena are bad: when one single software company has the prerogative of the release of software for all, and when the software of similar purpose sawing and die large number of similar, but often quite small software companies. Let's have an alternative! But the alternative (and for the OS it is first) such that not only satisfy the many different human preferences, but will be performed professionally! Last for the life of little available to those who profess religion of "Bazaar"... =)

Pizzasgood: "So, in some ways I'm not a fan of Google."
-- Me too! (IMHO, all bigotry is bad education of mind and a kind of disease of immature man...) However, much better measure any phenomenon of life on its benefits for humans, not by conspiracy mind games, as to do it many people who have the most sinesterian (left-wing) views, rather than any considered opinion on the phenomenon of life... These people who are left-wing views, sharply condemned by two things: money (wealth) and the power of themselves; but these sinesterians are always seen in an attempt to capture it in owner and undivided ownership, - and in fact all imaginable and unimaginable ways, - then and another. And this is also a characteristic phenomenon of life! Thus, the last category of people has the properties of hardly politicians, and their views and preferences have been inconsistent application of its own to the same views and beliefs, and often they are just same have two-faced on life...

About Internet privacy...

Posted: Thu 20 May 2010, 10:43
by Abnormalter
As additional.

By the way, much more dangerous for privacy of Internet surfing is the use of any kind of online bookmarks services. Many companies, - both associated with the production of Internet browsers and "independent software company", - give to the user bookmarking service. This custom collection of bookmarks can usually be "shared" between other users of this service, often enabled by default. And of course, the service can be hardly considered completely safe and private: it is clear to me that many people may very well see the collection of bookmarks of any user of this service!.. Do I need to explain that every user who actively and constantly uses it in his collection of bookmarks very strongly reflects their preferences, views and goals of visiting to many sites...

In the meantime, let's say I personally have a lot of years for looking for a true technology and code for free and open source bookmark server for organization's own server bookmarks. But apart from a rather weak, helpless decisions for LDAP, application and affordability only Internet browser such is Seamonkey, which, in the sense of an online collection of bookmarks, in general, is independent of anyone's online service (i.e. it can be installed to own PC, or can be installed to own or corporate server), nothing else until I found on the Internet and Open Source Team... :(

And this is sad! However, this reflects the characteristic nuances of the world...