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Enabling DRI Failed on VIA VX800 Chipset

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2010, 10:29
by puppykutty
Hi All
I am having VIA N700 Motherboard with VX800 Chipset.
I am having Puppy Version 4.3.1 with kernel.

I am facing with some problems in X.

Presently X works with vesa driver.

I took the following pet files from Puppy Linux Dicussion Forum and puppy download site

3. (Not sure of my usage this pet file)

I applied these pet files.

Now X started working with open chrome driver.
But DRI is not supported. if I take hardinfo->Display it says Direct Rendering : No.
Some of the errors listed in xorg.0.log are as shown below

drmOpendevice:node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpendevice:open result is -1(No such device)
drmOpendevice:open result is -1(No such device)
drmOpendevice:open failed.

these 4 messages repeated for 14 cards

DRIScreenInit Failed..

Can anybody identify what is going wrong. In my /dev/dri directory
there is no card files. Is kernel driver for via VX800 is giving problem.

lsmod shows via-agp and via. I am loading this modules at bootup.
Is these drivers giving problem. I am not sure. Please Help me.


Re: Enabling DRI Failed on VIA VX800 Chipset

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2010, 19:14
by Patriot
Hmmm .....
puppykutty wrote: .....
I am having Puppy Version 4.3.1 with kernel.
3. (Not sure of my usage this pet file)
Now X started working with open chrome driver.
But DRI is not supported. .....
Alert: is not for p431 k2.6.30.5 ... only required for p431 k2.6.25.16 ...

If you only need 2D acceleration, then the openchrome drivers works just fine (composite works fine too) ... If you need 3D acceleration then we're both outa' luck ... If you really must have 3d/dri then you need to upgrade to latest xorg and latest mesa3D ... yeah, must redo everything from scratch, basically ...

VIA chrome9 dri/3d is not supported on any puppy ... the existing xorg package is unable to support it ... I've been using mesa 7.1 with soft-raster for 3D and its ok for non-graphics intensive apps ...


Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2010, 05:04
by puppykutty
Thanxs Patriot for the reply

Not alone for the reply also your effort to generate all pet files was really great.

My applications are not that graphics intensive. My problem is that even for the 2D driver fonts are not sharp. When opening geany editor the font is sligtly blurred. The resolution i try is 1280x1024 at frequency of 60Hz. Using xorgwizrd when i try changing the frequency to 70 or 75 or 80 it automatically going to 60 Hz. The Monotor i am using is DELL 19 inch. The same monotor i use with an intel motherboard Machine with NVDIA the Graphics is very good with Puppy 431.
With VIA VX800 chipset motherboard i finding difficult in reading docs using geany, using terminal etc. Pls help me in doing the proper settings for X if needed. Thanxs in Advance

Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2010, 19:16
by mikeb
If you are set to the native resolution of the monitor then one thing that comes to mind would be to try a higher dpi..I think pupx from the menu sets it...96 might be worth a try. There's also a problem with bitmap fonts being used but perhaps a camera screen shot might help to see where the problem lies as it could a an antialiasing or sub pixael hinting problem.

Actually geany does use a crappy and small font by default but can be changed from it's menu.
Linux does not have to damage your eyesight :lol:


Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2010, 05:04
by puppykutty
Thanks mikeb

It was an antialiasing problem
I changed geany font also.

Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2010, 15:22
by mikeb

Similar problem...

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2010, 15:11
by scilolics
I have a similar problem:
Puppy 4.00 Kernel
Via CLE 266 chipset

DRI does not work, I have tried the "via" driver and the "openchrome" driver, but DRI is not enabled.
I have installed xorg_xorg_dri (xorg_xorg_dri-full does not work (black screen when starting X)) and the openchrome driver, but it does not work.
My xorg.conf says DRIVER="openchrome" and loads the glx module, but the glx module is not listed when I type "lsmod".

Any ideas?

Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2010, 15:41
by mikeb
Yes...anyone who gets dri working on this chipset is very lucky. The best I get is 2D acceleration without instability on nimblex(slax). With puppy I can get 2d with a suse driver but it crashes if more than one video playing.

I have discovered recently how bad via gear is in general :(

sorry to be negative but don't expect miracles on this one though there seem to be various sources for drivers and you may find one that works for you.

