How do i install VMware inside Puppy?

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#16 Post by saphir92 »

Yes it works !

Thanks a lot

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#17 Post by emil »

I just wanted to say Thank you! to DanYHKim and all, precious information, saved my day.
8) emil

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Re: You need a different kernel_srcxxx.sfs file

#18 Post by robinhook »

Gotta say, Daniel, you rocks, man!
DanYHKim wrote:
Chasing down the kernel_src_xxx.sfs file is a major hassle, since it is not directly linked in the new distribution announcements, as far as I can tell.
BTW, seems that many similar work always caused by actual kernel src mismatch.

How do you check which src .sfs is matching currrent running code?
I know "uname" command does provide some info, but seems to me not enough...

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VMWare Player 4.0.2 under Lucid 4.2.8

#19 Post by chris67 »

In order to install VMware Player 4.0.2 under Lucid 5.2.8 I followed the instructions from DanYHKim, October 29.,2010, but I found that I needed a few additional points.

1. VMware Player seems to need HAL daemon (Hardware Abstraction Layer) installed. It was removed from Puppy since 5.2.5 or so. There is a PET for it.

2. When I simply clicked on the VMware bundle in order to install it (step IV of Dan's description), installation always failed and rolled back, no error message given. To make it work, you have to open a console, and issue

sh VMwarePlayer.bundle --console --ignore-errors

from where it is stored.

3. VMware Player 4.0.2 doesn't contain VMware tools. Clicking on the menu item "Install VMware tools" gives an error message. People on the VMware board are complaining about this. So either use Version 4.0.1 or take windows.iso (linux.iso etc.) from a VMware Workstation or Server installation. It seems not to be directly downloadable from VMware.

After solving these three points, VMware works fine under Lucid 5.2.8.

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