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Put it on the Motherboard!

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2006, 00:53
by Lobster
How good is this? ... php?id=188

How do we get Puppy on a PCI card (internal) - with a view to incorporating on motherboard?

Think I asked this before

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2006, 08:23
by Sage
Don't you just love the hype they drum up over there?! This is not the first time that the Robertson empire has tried to push Linux boxes. WalMart had them a few years back. KMart or w.h.y. had a test marketing a year or so before that. Sounds like another of those 'New' old marketing strategies to me. Now, embedded Puppy - that really would be back to the future. My old 8bit Amstrads were ready to go immediately after switching ON. Flash memory abounds in C21st, the issue of upgrading goes away. Notwithstanding, entire chip replacement for upgrading, if non-volatile EPROM were used, would be incredibly cheap these days. Embedded OS is nice. Alan Sugar was a quarter of a century before his time.

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2006, 14:01
by Guest
Hasn't Koobox with Lindspire (Lindows) been around for years?