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Alsa Driver Updates

Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2010, 18:48
by Patriot
Hmmm .....

Here are Alsa driver binary updates which could be useful to some of you.
Please note that this is a once in a blue moon effort and probably will not be maintained.

I've provided a 3-in-1 binary set in .pet form for kernel, kernel and kernel ...
Suitable for those who only wanted the actual binaries without any dev headers etc etc ...
They contain only the binaries required from alsa-drivers, alsa-lib and alsa-utils packages.
Except for alsaconf script which is modified for puppy use, the rest are as per original source upstream.
For full alsa upgrade (static libs, headers, etc), the tarballs are provided.

Please note:
1. Only the drivers are kernel version specific.
2. alsa drivers kernel is for only puppy 4.10 and above

How to use ?

For Puppy 4.1.x or Puppy 4.3.x :

1. Install the appropriate alsa 3-in-1 pet as per your kernel version.

2. Run Alsa sound wizard.

3. Open a terminal and run 'amixer controls' or 'alsamixer'

4. If there's no error, you're probably good to go ...

5. Restart X to get absvolume pick up new mixer config.

For Puppy 4.2.x :

1. Install the appropriate alsa 3-in-1 pet as per your kernel version.

2. Exit to prompt.

3. Run '/etc/rc.d/rc.alsa stop' - This is a required step to unload all drivers.

4. Now, you can restart X by typing 'xwin'

5. Run Alsa sound wizard.

5. Open a terminal and run 'amixer controls'

6. If there's no error, you're probably good to go ...

7. Restart X to get absvolume pick up new mixer config.

Driver Binaries List

1. (3.2MB)
Alsa drivers + libs + utils binaries for kernel
Suitable for direct alsa upgrade by the casual users.
(Only tested with puppy 4.1.2)

2. (3.2MB)
Alsa drivers + libs + utils binaries for kernel
Suitable for direct alsa upgrade by the casual users
(Only tested with puppy 4.2.1)

3. (3.3MB)
Alsa drivers + libs + utils binaries for kernel
Suitable for direct alsa upgrade by the casual users
(Only tested with puppy 4.3.0)

4. Alsa-driver- (kernel (2MB)
Alsa drivers full binary set for kernel
Suitable for developers / advanced users.

5. Alsa-driver- (kernel (2MB)
Alsa drivers full binary set for kernel
Suitable for developers / advanced users.

6. Alsa-driver- (kernel (2.1MB)
Alsa drivers full binary set for kernel
Suitable for developers / advanced users.

7. Alsa-lib-1.0.22.tar.gz (750KB)
Alsa library full binary set
Suitable for developers / advanced users.

8. Alsa-plugins-1.0.22.tar.gz (120KB)
Alsa plugins full binary set
Suitable for developers / advanced users.

9. Alsa-utils-1.0.22.tar.gz (1.2MB)
Alsa utils full binary set
Suitable for developers / advanced users.

10. (5MB)
Alsa firmware full binary set
For devices that requires a firmware.



Posted: Sun 24 Jan 2010, 18:50
by Patriot
Here be dragons

Posted: Sun 23 May 2010, 02:57
by clausawits
Thanks! this saved my bacon... I have revived an old vaio... Alsa seemed to detect the chip, but would not use it (puppy 4.3.1) when I installed this, it started working (got the woof-woof)!

I had tried Lupu, but it won't boot on the vaio...

Thanks again for this and for bumping it up!

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 09:25
by swiatmar
Some of the links are not working anymore. Anyone knows where I can get alsa firmware 1.0.22 or maybe 1.0.23 as .pet? :)

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 23:44
by Argolance
Thank you a lot for this work. My SB X-Fi is now running quite well and I really enjoy...
Thanks again! :D :D :D

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2011, 00:06
by ldolse
Ditto on the dead links. Does anyone have copies that can be re-upped? I need the version at the moment.

Alternatively advice on creating your own pet package from the latest ALSA sources would be appreciated - I've been trying to compile ALSA 1.0.24 and while it compiles and installs the installation itself is broken in some way (alsamixer and aplay -l both show no sound cards). It seems Patriot was going through some extra steps to tailor the ALSA builds for Puppy and I'm not sure what he was doing.

Patriot's older 1.0.20 pet does work for me with the same hardware.

Posted: Fri 26 Sep 2014, 02:55
by Mr. Hughes
Is it still possible to get these anywhere? I need the so I can try to get my Realtek ALC887 working in 4.2.1.