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disposable laptop?

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2006, 01:59
by Lobster
This low tech screen and eventually ubiquitous technology

combined with flexible flat batteries (forget who is developing them
and printable CPU's (being developed by IBM)
will enable far east technologies to produce disposable phones and laptops

oh it will take a while but why shouldn't you be able to send email from your cornflake packet? (as in Minority report - only that just had ads)

In the short term, this combination of technology should make the $100 laptop a real money spinner

Meanwhile this is gorgeous and hopefully will do well but no wifi to update books from hotspots? I wonder if Amazon will stock them? ... ok-reading

Barry very wisely is returning to solid state for Puppy 2 (where he started incidentally)

Posted: Wed 18 Jan 2006, 09:16
by psy-fi
that may take a while...the refresh rate on those things is in the seconds. i hear you can expect them to start appearing on product packaging within the next two years, though.

a "real" screen should be able to be produced for pennies once OLED technology matures...scientists (god bless 'em) are working on ways to print them using newspaper-like end roll processes.

...or, we may just get curtains that light up.

(or curtains that display Linux)

speaking of screens, imagine hooking your PC up to this thing.

edit: on the other hand, remember that awesome "Wyld Stallyns" CD cover from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? We're now one step closer to that.