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Looking for the most basic, easy to use Puppy

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 15:34
by tosick

I intend to prepare a number of PCs for people how has very limited experiance and is 60+ age.

The purpose it to enable the access to internet features, like Wikipedia, various forums, web-TV. Probable also a need of downloading a pdf/doc/jpg-file and view/reads it.
This will also require access to a filemgr.

But otherwise limits the possibility for mistakes.

The hardware to be use is this or better:
Pentium4 1,8GHz
256Mb DDR1

Is there a Puplets that targets something like this or
is perhaps #! Crunchbang Linux with Openbox an
easier way to obtain this "internetmachin"?

Feel free to bring your ideas :D

If the response is good. Iĺl use my spellcheck in my reply :oops:

Re: Puppy_Ultra_Basic

Posted: Sat 20 Mar 2010, 19:27
by puppymartin
tosick wrote: Is there a Puplets that targets something like this or
is perhaps #! Crunchbang Linux with Openbox an
easier way to obtain this "internetmachin"?
I don't know why, but I like this "internet machin": Browserlinux

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 01:37
by Lobster
You don't have the resources for twinkle ... 992#364867

but Eldy would work with java ... 992#360558

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 09:00
by Sylvander
I used Twinkle with 256 MB RAM and 800MHz Pentium 3 (Coppermine) CPU, and it worked just fine. :D

Posted: Mon 22 Mar 2010, 01:12
I use MacPup 4.00 series on a 800MHz Dell with wireless internet and its works fine. However, for what you asking, you may find that the 2.14 series will work perfect. The simple truth is that for your requirements, almost any of the Puplets should work perfectly. If you want to try something that meets the minimum of what you've asked, I know that both IcePup and TeenPup would do nicely.

Just my $0.0002 worth.