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Survey: Millions of users open spam emails, click on links

Posted: Tue 30 Mar 2010, 03:39
by Flash
...Key findings of the survey:

* Nearly half of those who have accessed spam (46%) have done so intentionally – to unsubscribe, out of curiosity, or out of interest in the products or services being offered
* Four in ten (43%) say that they have opened an email that they suspected was spam
* Among those who have opened a suspicious email, over half (57%) say they have done so because they weren’t sure it was spam and one third (33%) say they have done so by accident
* Canadian users are those most likely to avoid posting their email address online (46%). Those in the U.S., Canada and Germany are most likely to set up separate email addresses in order to avoid receiving spam
* Many users do not typically flag or report spam or fraudulent email
* When it comes to stopping the spread of viruses, fraudulent email, spyware and spam, email users are most likely to hold ISPs and ESPs (65%) and anti-virus software companies (54%) responsible
* Less than half of users (48%) hold themselves personally responsible for stopping these threats...

Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2010, 03:25
by Makoto
Is there a statistic for how many Windows users don't configure Outlook/Windows Live Mail to remove the 'preview pane', or display every email there when it's highlighted - and therefore, automatically open every single message just by highlighting the mail in their inbox? :)

Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2010, 16:33
by Lobster
Windows licenses their software to anyone for a price.
Shouldn't WinDoh's noobs be tested before being released on the Internet?

Maybe there is even a case for involuntary sterilisation of Windows users and compulsory use of Puppy?

I think I will write to my Member of Parliament. :shock:
Dear Sir,

Dogs have to be licensed but not Windows users.
We are fed up with the internet being littered
with zombies, spam and trojans.
Before you are forced to resign due to expenses irregularities
(£1600 for greeting cards is a little excessive)
please consider some form of government leash for Facebook users

Yours sincerely
A concerned voter

Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2010, 16:44
by bugman
i open spam all the time, especially the paypal and ebay phishing

it amuses me

there was one a couple of weeks ago that was very cleverly done

2 days ago i saw an article online indicating that i was not the only person who thought so
