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Small GTK Timekeeping Utilities

Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2010, 20:43
by jemimah
Here are a few timekeeping utilties I've come across in my travels.

LightSword Alarm Clock and Countdown Timer - customizable messages, sounds, and scripting.
GworldClock Timezone Utility - for figuring out what time it is in other timezones.
Gstpw Stopwatch
Simple GTK Time Tracker - if the business menu seems a little anemic, this is a nice addition.


Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2010, 21:21
by zigbert
Great to see. Let's get rid of pStopwatch and Ptimer

Thanks a lot

Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2010, 21:43
by jemimah
That's what I did for Puppeee. It took forever to find the alarm clock and stopwatch. There's not a lot out there to choose from without big dependencies. :D

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 05:35
by technosaurus
thanks for posting these - I haven't had much time to do puplet hopping lately... any more diamonds in the rough?

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 14:42
by jemimah
Here's the low down on all the cool stuff I'm working on for Puppeee at the moment:

If you haven't looked at Goggles Music Manager - you should. It's not the smallest lightweight music player due to the FOX dependencies, but it's the best iTunes replacement I've ever tried.

Xbindkeys-config is a nice GUI frontend for Xbindkeys - window manager independent and user friendly.

Gsmartcontrol is unfortunately pretty big because of the gtkmm deps, but since everyone is always recommending to use Puppeee as a rescue disk, I thought it'd be good to have some actual diagnostic and rescue utilities. I also added ddrescue, TestDisk, and Photorec.

Flsynclient is a frontend for touchpad configuration. The version I've posted on the forum has bug fixes and new features.

Zarfy is a nifty Xrandr frontend - much better than xrandrshell and it has multimonitor support.

I'm currently testing Trio's Pet Maker Plus and SFS Installer for Full Install. They seem very nice and provide much needed functionality. I've also added Pizzasgood's Edit-SFS tool.

Geeqie is a photo library and image viewer with a lot of features including slideshows.

GetPix is an Xdialog gphoto frontend. Apparently GTKam has problems crashing sometimes, but gphoto is more reliable. So I threw in this getpix script in case gtkam doesn't work.

TinyElvis is a Vi clone that weighs in at 73K. There's no reason Puppy shouldn't have a real Vi that works properly.

I'm adding the GAdmin OpenVPN client I saw posted the other day. I don't have a VPN to test with - but the tool looks great. I also added the GTK2 version of PuTTY and the TSClient for rdesktop.

GetEz is a nice small Wget frontend.

Easytag is an ID3 tag editor. It's kind of big and it's seems to have a couple performance problems, but it's the only tool on linux that I know of that can see embedded cover art in iTunes songs and can deal with multiple embedded images in Jamendo downloads.

RipperX is a CD ripping tool with a lot of features. It might be better than Asunder, I still need to do some testing with it.

I'm also experimenting in Puppeee with using PCManFM as an alternative desktop to ROX. The user can decide which they prefer. I added emelFM2 as well since I find myself wishing for a twin-pane file manager occasionally - on my small screen dealing with multiple rox windows can be challenging.

Rover is a lightweight replacement for Launchy/GnomeDo/Quicksilver. I modified a broken awmenu I found on the Arch forums and it works great now.

Screenshots of the upcoming Puppeee, including the new LxLaucher, are here: and I've attached the complete software list.

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 16:05
by technosaurus
I propose to you a couple of solutions:

ttuuxxx's xfe since you already have the fox libs ... h&id=15724

my recompile of gparted with shared gtkmm libs ... h&id=20781
(possible recompile of inkscape vs. inkscapelite since you have gtkmm anyways)

the static uclibc busybox has a "vi" and many others useful utils (only 878k uncompressed) ... sybox-i686
(there are 486 and 586 versions too)
my shared gnu libc version has only a few additional (new) apps but is only ~100kb smaller

I think skipstone had a good wget frontend as well, but it is a shame that noone has extended pwget.

I've been impressed with Minimum Profit text editor, which has text highlighting, tabs and more in less than 200kb (also has qt, curses and gtk capabilities) - Puppy has the curses version in /usr/local/bin but the gtk2 version comes pretty close to geany for many purposes. I use an older version with gtk1 on my slow machines.

Zigberts latest Dude has an on screen keyboard that I compiled (xvkbd) but if I recall you are using icewm... so you may just want the binary ... h&id=28119

If you have flsynclient compiled with shared libs, jrb's sfs/tcz linker provides access to tons of tiny core's fltk packages on the fly

A lot of these have gtk1 apps that I kinda miss for my weak machine and sometimes just in general - xmms, gps, mp-1.3.X, gtkeyboard, ripperx, gmp3info,... more here

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 16:27
by jemimah
Thanks! I was trying to figure out what else was using gtkmm; this helps immensely.

Los Angels

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 22:40
by shinobar
Tnx jemimah for the programs.
Using gwordclock. The Los Angels shows the same time as New York. Hope to be corrected.

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 22:52
by jemimah
Hmmm, I hadn't noticed that. Seems all of the US is in the same timezone. Let me see if there's a patch.

Posted: Mon 26 Apr 2010, 23:25
by jemimah
I copied all the files from /usr/share/zoneinfo on my Ubuntu partition over to Puppy and it started working correctly. Does anybody is know, is this Puppy bug that should be fixed?

Posted: Sun 09 May 2010, 08:57
by disciple
Hi Jemimah, what version of Easytag are you using?
If you haven't seen my post at, it explains that the development versions (i.e. those after the stable 2.1) switched to libid3tag and have a fairly major bug affecting embedded album art in id3v2.2 tags (unless the bug is fixed by a newer version of libid3tag).
All the mp3s I have seen which were created by iTunes have this sort of tag, although I probably haven't seen files created by the most recent versions of iTunes.

Posted: Sun 09 May 2010, 16:31
by jemimah
I'm using 2.1. Though your version looks smaller than the one I built...

Posted: Sun 09 May 2010, 18:05
by DMcCunney
jemimah wrote:Here's the low down on all the cool stuff I'm working on for Puppeee at the moment:
TinyElvis is a Vi clone that weighs in at 73K. There's no reason Puppy shouldn't have a real Vi that works properly.
You could provide the real thing... :P

Source code for "traditional vi" is available here:

Forum poster Paulh177 posted a PET of it here:

Seems to work fine under Puppy 4.31. Since I started on the original vi under AT&T System V, I was tickled. I have Vim, but for the use I make of it, it might as well be vi. I seldom have cause to touch the advanced features.

Posted: Sun 09 May 2010, 19:08
by jemimah
I have no complaints with Elvis except it refuses to open files over a certain size limit. Perhaps I will put in the "real" Vi. I rarely need vim features either.

Posted: Sun 09 May 2010, 19:33
by DMcCunney
jemimah wrote:I have no complaints with Elvis except it refuses to open files over a certain size limit. Perhaps I will put in the "real" Vi. I rarely need vim features either.
Using the real thing gets you ex as well as vi. To be totally retro, link it to view to get the read-only viewer mode.

I have a set of vi macros around somewhere to do things like make arrow keys work in insert mode. I'll have to try to dig it up. There are a lot of neat things doable with vi macros (I saw one set that would solve mazes generated by the maze program), but back then, the assumption was that of course you had a Unjx source license, and you could rebuild vi with larger macro buffers if the version supplied with your Unix implementation couldn't handle some of the larger ones... :P

Posted: Thu 13 Jan 2011, 16:30
by zigbert