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man for local man files

Posted: Thu 08 Apr 2010, 02:51
by 8-bit
It seems that in the new versions of Puppy, that if you install a PET that has a man page help file, you cannot view it any more by opening a terminal and typing "man [name of program]".

For those that need to include a man page with their pet, or to convert one so it can be viewed, I would suggest getting the utility (included in Puppy 421) called "man2html".
Place "man2html" in /usr/bin.
I converted a man file called ufiformat.8 to an htm file.
As an example, you would open a terminal in the directory containing the file and type "man2html ufiformat.8 > ufiformat.htm"
Then so it can be seen, you need to place it in /usr/share/doc/[name of converted file].

I still think it is a pain that a man file that its part of an installed package cannot be viewed with the man command!