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Script to grab SRWare Iron

Posted: Tue 04 May 2010, 09:29
by 01micko
Script to grab SRWare Iron

Iron is more or less a fork of the google chrome browser without writing home to mama.. :wink:

Well I wanted Iron, sure, you can go here and find it download it, untar it bla, bla.

This script is an attempt to grab it and make a pet out of it. It is NOT fully automatic, it requires some knowledge of the command line and perhaps knowledge of how to use dir2pet. The script is well commented, so before you use it open it up with a right click.

Iron site..

Extract the script to a suitable location, /root is fine. Right click on the script and open with your text editor. Read it. There are points in there you might want to change, such as the DLDDIR, the download directory, default is /mnt/home, so as not to use too much pupsave.

Be sure to check the Iron website for the latest version.

Be aware of the different versions for different arches, p2-32bit, 32-bit and 64-bit. Read the comments.

NOTE: Iron only works on late a model glib, I know it will work in Lupu and not sure about Quirky, but Barry did upgrade lots of stuff. I'll test later and let you know. EDIT: Aha, quirky needs gconf, see my next post.

Invoke the script (if you saved in /root) in a terminal with the command

Code: Select all

The script will pause for a few seconds then download Iron with wget.

Once the the thing is downloaded you can use the suggestions to answer the dir2pet questions. You can have the script open to read while it is working, even add your own comments for later reference.

A bit of hacking and an sfs could be made too. Be my guest, hack, improve, 8)

Have fun :)

Posted: Tue 04 May 2010, 10:42
by nooby
A friendly sole told me that Chromium for Lucid Puppy did not behave as Chrome does. So maybe that would be a proper choice too?

Posted: Tue 04 May 2010, 12:21
by 01micko
Ok.. Now, Quirky needs gconf, this one from disciple works, without the ORBit dependencies... ... 785#343099

Nooby, this is more of a proof of concept project, Chromium is just fine :D . This script could be adapted to any static browser or other package, and I'm sure I'm not the first to make something similar.

I'm posting from my Iron pet created with the script in Quirky 21 now.


Posted: Tue 04 May 2010, 12:27
by jemimah
Iron (aka Tinfoil) does not work in Puppeee.

You can try with the glib 2.11 pet that GrumpyWolfe packaged.

Posted: Tue 04 May 2010, 12:32
by 01micko
thanks jemimah, I'll edit main post, .......... done! (Tinfoil :lol: )

Posted: Tue 04 May 2010, 13:27
by jemimah
For those interested in the other side of the debate: ... /iron.html