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im to stupid to get my webcam working

Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 05:33
by drspastic
hi, i just bought a cam. i took my eeepc701 with puppeee into the shop and tried each one to see what gave a picture with UCView:- the only webcam software i had in the menu. one worked, and showed up as vimicro usb (altair) so i went off and paid for it.
after i got home, i tried it on skype and it didnt see any cam.
i tried it on my other laptop running 431 (the one i wanted it for) and its not seen.
does UCView have its own hardware drivers? how do i get my cam working with other software? please dont tell me to ´just recompile the kernel with xxcxvxbcbvblalalalala modules, cos i dont know how to do this.
if UCView works does that mean drivers are installed for whole system and other software is at fault?
I ultimately want to use my 431 laptop for zoneminder with an idiotproof installation.
thanks for listening.

Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 05:45
by 01micko
Hmm.. I had this problem on 431 just the other day.

run "lsmod" in a terminal with out the quotes.

If you see "uvcvidieo" in the output then the module is loaded and you may need to try something other than this... :(

If not then run "modprobe uvcvidieo" which should load the module. That worked for me.



Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 05:52
by drspastic
yes, it comes up. er..... what does that mean for me?
thanks for the reply but may i draw your attention to the bit that says ''im too stupid''
both laptops have this driver. it may help to have the ucview package for my laptop on 431 but i cant find the .pet after a fair bit of searching.
what is different between the way ucview sees a webcam and the way skype does, for example?

Posted: Mon 26 Jul 2010, 11:25
by John Lewis
This seems a bit old now. Wonder if you solved it. Seems if it works in UVCview it should work in Skype.

Did you check in Skype's Options > video Menu to see if the cam was showing up there?

John Lewis