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Sitecom WL-113 USB wireless adapter (ZD1211 based) works

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2006, 21:53
by mdisaster
Puppy 1.0.7, fresh install, booting from CD.

I made it work this way:

- downloaded the ZD1211 drivers from .

- put together this script (based on the one that came with the drivers, and all bad programming is mine).
At the moment I launch it from a terminal, but it could probably be added to /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

Code: Select all

cd /
# remove stale dhcp pid.  
# (I always find one after startup. Bad shutdown ?)
dhcpcd -k
rm /etc/dhcpc/
# install the module
tar  -zxvf /root/wless/zd1211-20050822.tar.gz
modprobe zd1211_mod
# bring up the interface wlan0
sleep 2
ifconfig wlan0 up
# configure it
sleep 2
iwconfig wlan0 ESSID <my_essid> key <my key> mode Managed 
sleep 2
# bring up the interface, again
ifconfig wlan0 up
# start dhcp
sleep 2
dhcpcd -t 30 -h puppypc -d wlan0


- I had no luck with ndiswrapper, which didn't surprise me since Sitecom Windows drivers suck even in Windows.

- WAG didn't work consistently for me, probably because a) the interface likes to go down after executing commands and b) dhcpcd reports it is running when it isn't (stale PID file).

- I only tried 128bit WEP encryption - under Win98 the thing doesn't do WAP anyway...

- some of the "sleep 2" lines can probably be dispensed with.

- the "no wireless extensions" message that tend to appear when trying to use iwconfig means that the command failed because the interface is down.

Hope it helps...