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Being a bad guy with Puppy

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 16:23
by Enrique Corbellini
Hello puppyusers, I have been tortured the last 3 days by a worrying, which is, a friend asked me to start using spam-maker programs, since he believes it's not a way of bodering people but a legal and acceptable way for selling things to work and earn our life.
At the begining, I thought he was wrong, but finally, listening to his argument saying that "making spam is much more inocent and less agressive than watching adds on TV or hearing and seeing adds in media", he ALMOST convinced me.
So I used the puppy forum search tool to see if there was any puppy program useful to spider e-mails, and spam them, after they are collected. I didn't find that, probably because I found, instead of that, some people taking distance of any proyect that could make damage to people privacy. I don't know if this is simple paranoia in my mind, or if it's what's really going on with this.
Finally, I found many Windows programs that do that, as we all know. In some cases, I found explanations about how spam create PC user's hedeaches, and in other cases, how spam reduces PC user's hedeaches!!! no way to know the truth about this, I believe.
In any case, it was easy to see that spiderers and spam-maker programmers, have a benefit in not having in Linux a strong enemy against their way of making money, selling this programs, since it's not easy to find them for free.
May be I should tell my friend, to use only Windows to make spam, and forget Linux, or at least forget Puppy Linux. But then I'll believe spam-maker programmers will have a bit advantage to make money, compared with other programmers.
I wonder if could exist a puppy-solution for all of this situation. Well, more exactly I wonder for the reality about spam programs, I found it difficult to know. Want to be taken out of this ignorance!

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 16:53
by 8-bit
If you have not noticed already, spam type messages that get posted to the forum get reported and removed quickly.
If you have a legitimate product you are trying to sell, there are sites that you can use. The forum is not one of them and only pisses people off.

Re: Being a bad guy with Puppy

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 18:35
by bugman
Enrique Corbellini wrote:May be I should tell my friend, to use only Windows to make spam, and forget Linux, or at least forget Puppy Linux.
tell your friend not to make spam at all

if your friend does make spam, please forward his particulars to the appropriate irc channel


Re: Being a bad guy with Puppy

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 21:47
by WhoDo
Enrique Corbellini wrote:Want to be taken out of this ignorance!
No "ignorance" here. Your title says it all. You already know and understand that spamming is "bad".

Why is spam bad? Because it removes user choice. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is all about giving freedom of choice, not removing it. That's why Linux in general and Puppy in particular does NOT support the removal of user choice by spamming with unwanted and unsolicited advertising.

PS. Your friend's logic is flawed by his self-evident desire to make money without concern for the wishes of others.

PPS. Television advertising isn't spam, since users have the option to choose not to watch. Spammers don't give that option to those they spam.

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 02:55
by Lobster
Here is a technique I advocate for Buddhist monks who are not enlightened
and for 'poor' spammers [bless]


Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 03:52
by Flash
Please post your friend's name, home address, email address, phone number, Facebook account and/or any other personal details you happen to know. Maybe we can help him attain a more enlightened state.

I'd like to spend my time doing something useful like testing new versions of Puppy, but instead I have to waste time cleaning spam out of forum. :evil:

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 05:55
by Pizzasgood
To me, spam doesn't seem like a profitable idea. When I receive spam about a product, I don't feel enticed to go buy that product. I feel repulsed from that product. They lose my respect.

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 11:12
by stu90
I always buy my penis enlargement pills form people who flood spam my inbox then clone my credit card details :cry:

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 15:28
by ken geometrics
Pizzasgood wrote:To me, spam doesn't seem like a profitable idea. When I receive spam about a product, I don't feel enticed to go buy that product. I feel repulsed from that product. They lose my respect.
If I hear someone say "we cheat everyone else and pass the savings along to you", I tend not to think that I will get a good deal from them.

It is very much the same with spam. If I get spam from a company, I tend to think that they are a bunch of low life crooks and that they are selling a defective product or there is no product at all.

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 15:52
by tubeguy

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 17:21
by James C
Just glad my spam filter works pretty well...... :lol:

Posted: Sat 15 May 2010, 20:57
by DMcCunney
Pizzasgood wrote:To me, spam doesn't seem like a profitable idea. When I receive spam about a product, I don't feel enticed to go buy that product. I feel repulsed from that product. They lose my respect.
The thing is, sending bulk email is cheap. It only takes a few people buying to make the campaign successful

In standard direct snail mail campaigns, a successful campaign has about a 3% hit rate. For bulk email, a .03% hit rate is probably a roaring success. Remember, these jokers may be sending millions of spams in a campaign.

They keep doing it because it works. People buy based on spam emails. Not many, perhaps, but it doesn't take many to make it worth doing for the spammer.

Interesting opinions

Posted: Sun 16 May 2010, 16:31
by Enrique Corbellini
Undoubtely some interesting opinions here gived answer to my post. Thanks for that.
Please don't kick my ass because of my wondering, just was asking ha ha
I believe Pizzasgood gave an interesting opinion, but respect of what WooDoo said, I still believe television advertisement is more agressive than spam.
Unless there are lots of spam messages in the mail box, is easy to find the ones that have been sent by friends or preferred people. Spam messages say what they are, they say it in the "subject", though is true some of them want to capture our attention saying lies. Radio, TV, street-ads, etc., put the information in our senses, with no choice of forgetting them.
May be this doesn't happen the same everywhere, that's true, but at least in my city, well, it's horrible how media's noises bother people.
I also think many of the spam messages that come, should never have come, but some other messages gave usefull information. I used some of these spam messages some times, not necessarily to buy something.
Flash seems angry because of this idea, well, if i tell my friend not continuing making spam, should I tell him to put ads on TV and radio? making more noise?
Thanks again to all of you, all of your opinions helped me in the search for a solution.

Posted: Sun 16 May 2010, 17:25
by Flash
I get angry when someone posts spam in this forum. Spam in my email inbox is a nuisance, but my spam filter does a pretty good job of filtering it. Spam posted in this forum must be removed which wastes the time of people who keep spam out of the forum, which makes me mad. If your friend wants to pay to help defray the cost of maintaining this forum, then we'll consider letting him post advertisements in the forum. Otherwise, they aren't allowed.

Your friend is free to start his own forum and post whatever he wants in it.

Posted: Sun 16 May 2010, 21:23
by Pizzasgood
Sure, it works in the short term, but I wonder if it's effective over time. In the long run it might cause more harm than good through people boycotting anything they receive spam about (e.g. next time they're in the store and would have bought that brand, they remember the spam and go with a different brand). When it's a bunch of small people reselling, not the original company, that isn't as much of an issue because it's theoretically not the original company's fault. But when you are the original seller, it could have nasty repercussions.

@Enrique: Spam is different from TV commercials. Commercials are generally very distinct from the programs that they interrupt. Email, on the other hand, all blends together. If I look closely I can distinguish them. But I don't want to. I shouldn't have to hunt through my email to determine which ones are real and which are trash.

That brings me to the second difference. Companies pay TV stations to run their commercials. Those proceeds go to support the TV station. The same thing is the case for banner ads on the web. So for those, it is valid to argue that if you don't want to see them, just don't use the service. They are an integral part. Without the commercials, there would be no TV (or else it would be more expensive).

But with spam, it exists only to benefit the spammer. It does not support the email service. If there were no spam, the email service would still be the same, or possibly cheaper (less strain on the system - but since it's mostly free anyway the user wouldn't really notice). So it isn't valid to argue that I should just accept it like I do with commercials.

A third difference is that unlike TV, email is a fairly integral service. I watch very little TV. That's just entertainment. But I need email. It is one of my main channels of communication. How would you like it if you were talking to your boss/coworker/professor/friend and some guy came up and started trying to sell you stuff? And if this happened several times every day? It would be annoying.

My feelings are that spam is rude and intrusive. Anybody who spams me becomes dirt, as far as I am concerned.

Posted: Mon 17 May 2010, 16:35
by abushcrafter
I hate any sort of ads :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:.The rule is 99.9% of the time anything that has a ad for it is rubbish.

I do a lot of detailed, open mined research before I buy things, eg like a laptop.

I will come to you. DON'T COME TO ME!

Posted: Mon 17 May 2010, 17:21
by Bligh
@ Flash Thank you, your effort is not wasted, I have benefited from your efforts on numerous occasions.

Posted: Mon 17 May 2010, 17:45
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.

Posted: Tue 18 May 2010, 02:15
by Notorik
Lobster wrote:Here is a technique I advocate for Buddhist monks who are not enlightened
and for 'poor' spammers [bless]

I could probably use a few of those and a rubber hammer!

good new

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 14:18
by Enrique Corbellini
I certainly believe in part of what Pizzasgood says, and that's why this is making me conclude that the usage of spam is different everywher. It depends on the zone of the world it acts.
Some spam messages are from horrible to more than horrible, for example people trying to cheat others with no worrying for hiding it at all.
I wouldn't believe, anyway, that the world net doesn't need spam at all, as TV needs commercials. There is nothing free from having to be paid in this world.... or does someone of us pay a coin for the existence of the e-mails? in which way? (We don't know everything).
And in other cases, as I said before, some spam messages became useful to me, sometimes even to work. But it's for sure this doesn't happen necessarily in the same way everywhere.
This week I have a good new. It's that I won't need to care too much for creating spam, because other net workers, appart from my friend the seller, are calling me to iniciate some job. It's related to an amazing story (wow!), because Bill Gates wants to do something I find some stupid: putting an experiment over the ocean to change the Earth' atmosphere components.... to decrease world warming, according to him.
Don't worry my job won't be helping Gates ha ha ha
B. Kauler is a real ecologist, not Gates. Our partner Kauler created this system Puppy, which makes old computers that were prepared to be send to mountains of rubbish, put to work again. It's something that even Shuttleworth with his Ubuntu didn't do.
Now I'm invited from on-line teachers, to give classes about environmental problems, because of my experience related to a case that went to the world court of La Haya.
Of course I'll be speaking about Puppy in my classes too... what did you think? that I was going to speak in favor of making spam? ha ha ha ha
Classes are told in Spanish language, sorry if there's some English speaker interested in them, I apologize for my weak English speaking. I accept translators anyway ha ha (today I'm happier than as usual).