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New mtPaint-snapshot: Wait 2, 5, or 10 sec, or modify

Posted: Sat 22 May 2010, 14:59
by pa_mcclamrock
Don't like waiting 10 seconds to arrange your screen for a screenshot, when 2 seconds would do? No problem. Just untar this revised script, put it in /usr/bin, run it, wait 2 (or 5) seconds instead of 10, and make good use of all those saved seconds. If you want yet another number of seconds, it's as easy for you to modify this script as it was for me. Just look at this code:

Code: Select all

    <input file icon=\"gtk-refresh\"></input>
    <label>Wait 5 Sec</label>
	<action>(echo 20; sleep 1 ; echo 40; sleep 1 ; echo 60 ; sleep 1 ; echo 80; sleep 1 ; echo 100 ) | Xdialog --title 'Puppy Screenshot' --beep-after --wrap --screen-center --center --no-buttons --gauge 'Please wait & prepare your screen ' 10 50 100 ; exec mtpaint -s &</action>
	<action>exit: Screenshot</action>
On the "action" line, you'll note that the numbers after the "echoes" are percentages of the total time to wait. So, if you wanted 4 instead of 5 seconds, you'd just change "5" to "4" in the label, and change "echo 20" (etc.) to this:

Code: Select all

(echo 25; sleep 1 ; echo 50; sleep 1 ; echo 75 ; sleep 1 ; echo 100 )

2014 MTpaint Video francophone

Posted: Tue 17 Jun 2014, 18:40
by Pelo
2014 MTpaint Video snapshot. Je vais refaire ma video en rajoutant Waiting choice
francophone video MTpaint
Ouvrir le tar gz le mettre dans /usr/bin, lancer le programme
Vous pouvez adapter le nombre de secondes...
Perfect !it works Thanks sir :)