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Google Chrome 1st stable release

Posted: Thu 27 May 2010, 20:54
by puppymartin
Google Chrome 5.0.375.55 has been released to the Stable channel for Linux:

Download the 32bit .deb:

Then in a terminal "unpack":
# undeb google_downloaded_file.deb

Then move the map "google" in the new map "your_location/opt" to /usr/lib/
And move the file "google-chrome" in the new map "your_location/usr/bin" to "/usr/bin"

Drag this file (/usr/bin/google-chrome) to the desktop and click to start.

You may need these libs:

Posted: Thu 27 May 2010, 21:25
by technosaurus
I installed chrome yesterday and still "needed" gconf (not really - a symlink to any random lib worked to make it run) ... so it is probably a case of a build time only dependency unintentionally getting linked in as a run-time dependency (that is how it is in webkitgtk - I have fixed it there) ... but maybe not - google doesn't seem to care how big it is or how many lines of code there are to maintain - so far so good though.

Posted: Thu 27 May 2010, 21:31
by jemimah
I see in debian unstable they managed to make html 5 video work with the system ffmpeg and other system libraries too I think.

I'm not brave enough to attempt to build Chrome on Puppy, but I'm very, very curious if it can be fixed like Midori to be small.

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 00:21
by technosaurus
That is news to me. I thought gstreamer was the only supported method for html5 video. I hope someone can port it into webkitgtk.

I would probably go the other way (if I had the time) and merge google's v8, html5 via ffmpeg (instead of gstreamer) and other useful improvements into webkitgtk - I don't even want to attempt building this behemoth as it is structured and here is why:

although I have no issues with including static libs, (I do it all the time) but I prefer the option to use system libs at my own discretion - however google warns against this due to "major modifications" .... That's great - then comply with the gpl and at least provide the option to use them as system libs -- I'm not trying to be a license hound, I just don't want to recompile the bazillion lines of extra code with each release... I have an underpowered laptop that takes a whole day to compile this amount of code. The way it currently is, more than 3/4 of the libs are compiled in statically... so they might as well do it static all that way and use uclibc or their own libc (bionic) - skype does (but with glibc I think). They also use some large dependencies that don't shrink down much even when compiled statically (libICU for example - whereas webkitgtk has the option to use glib instead which is already required by gtk)

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 01:22
by jemimah
You can get the source for the just ffmpeg plugin here I think. ... ecs-ffmpeg

Yeah I didn't even get to the point where I could make gyp happy enough on Puppy to even try to compile.

I haven't tried downloading the debian source - they may have fixed it - but at least you don't have to download the entire chromium OS that way.

Bleeding edge versions

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 01:33
by bigpup

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 05:20
by DaveS
You have to wonder why it needs to be so big. Interestingly, I found a message on my Google Reader page saying they were dropping support for 'older browsers'. When I ran their test, it said my current browser is now unsupported. As this is Opera 10.10, the current stable release, it leads me to wonder if the intention is to eventually have Google apps etc only available (fully functional?) to those using the Google browser. I am not by nature a conspiracy theorist, but this looks a bit like a cloud way over there on the horizon.................

Google Chrome

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 17:18
by rameshiyer
I have been using google chrome pet provided by "Wolf" and working fine. You can even install latest dev. build from his pet packages.
I have only problem, it is still not able to print from Google Chrome. Any idea about the problem ?. Though Google Chrome list the printer, however, no Printout.

Posted: Fri 28 May 2010, 18:39
by jemimah
The printing problem is a cups bug. Uncompress the attached pdftops and put it in /usr/lib/cups/filters, replacing the existing file of the same name.

Posted: Sat 29 May 2010, 16:46
by xman
Thank you very much, puppymartin!

I installed this stable version to 4.31-, first Grumpys, and then Chrome 5.0.375.55 by just clicking google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb icon. Chrome starts by clicking /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome.desktop icon. This first stable Chrome (for Linux!) is big (about 90 mb) and very very fast (as Usain Bolt?). Flash and java are working without any extra tuning. :D