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Where to get previous Puppys

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2005, 20:04
by EarlSmith
I hope you all won't think I am trying to overshadow the new 1.0.3 release, but for some of you who need to use word processing, you can still use
Puppy. Just go back to 0.9.9. I don't know if any of the more recent Pups worked, but I use 0.9.9 to print from Abiword with no problem. Also the same version with Mozilla browser also has a working calendar built in.
I just look at the different versions of Pup as different flavors that may taste better to different people and fit their needs better.
You can get the different versions at

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2005, 20:37
by Rich
Abiword printing worked fine for me using 1.0.1.
In fact, everything just worked ! haven't tried any of the later ones ( dial up connections tend to make my downloading a bit selective ! )

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2005, 08:49
by BarryK
Abiword printing works in 1.0.1 and 1.0.3, under certain conditions.

There is a problem with text in a page getting shifted up, so top lines are cut off.
I don't know if this always happens, perhaps not.

Some documents, i think especially with images, cause Ghostscript to crash, but same document prints fine from TextMaker.

So, maybe if your needs are simple, like you just need to type a letter every now and again, Abiword will print okay.

Anyway, I'm working on it!