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Voice of the Crustacean - Voicemail

Posted: Sat 11 Jun 2005, 10:13
by Lobster

Ah the wonders of the 2.4 kernel. My recording facility returns . . .
Using the Start /Mulitmedia / XS Sound Editor

Rather than save in wav, I halved the file size by using the following settings

audio /audio settings

8000 sample rate
encoding Mulaw

and saved in .au

Can you hear the enclosed file? Can we get better compression for voice mail?


Bum - I can not attach a .au file and trying to tar (zip) a file could drive me over the edge


Maybe later . . .

More ranting

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 06:21
by Lobster
Dear Friends of the Puppy

Was very saddened that Bladehunter was sucked dry by gimme vampires. Bladehunter was instrumental in getting our IRC started right at the beginning when we were using freenode and like many people is more helpful then is good for him. I am sure he will be refreshed after a good dose of garlic and Puppy petting.

Are you a gimmee vampire? Shame on you.

The new Puppy 1.0.4 gets more interesting every time I hear about it. more boot options. More wifi support - gosh can hardly wait.

Papasmurf seems to be off on his hols to practice his kata (Karate dancing) and maybe he will be taking his laptop with him. Looks like he is working on a barebones/bonsai icewm Puplet - so that will be fun.


Incidentaly I did not download Bladehunters ISO (I use Windows to burn ISO's - the BurnCDCC and downloading pics from my camera are the last things I use Windows for) What is it like for you lappy wifi types?

I used to use HTML mail but LockerGnome (my main requirement) seems so commercial and frankly uninteresting that I have been happy to go over to Sylpheed (text only email)
That program is seriously fast (and very easy to set up and use)

Was watching the BBC program click on line (I think you can watch it from the web) and they were talking about a rural community in France without Broadband. What happened is they got together, installed a satellite system and boosted local wifi and . . . Well you get the idea. Do not be dependent on broadband providers or governments. Be frisky.

Flash is doing a great job on his indexed sticky link for beginners and in moving stuff around. Hopefully John Murga will be more active soon. He hosts the forum and has done a great job.

It would be nice to have GuestToo on the IRC channel at a set time for a themed chat - perhaps on Dotpups? Who else would like to do a themed IRC chat (what time and for how long - we can then produce a Pupcasting timetable (Pupcasting - now there is an idea)

With Skype (last time I looked) we can have a max of 4 people. Who is up for a Puppy conference call? What time (use GMT)?

compressed au file enclosed

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 07:00
by Lobster

Hi guys

finally got around to recording a test voice mail with xs

you should be able to click and decompress and then click on the to hear my dulcet tones . . .

If this works out then we can get John Murga to set au as format but the thing is the file is large even though I compressed and zip compressed further . . .

Ideally we would have a wizard voice mail (I have been trying but have barely got anywhere) I was using wavrec - but it might be better to use this xs program (which is written in tcl - so we can in theory puppulate or is that puppify?


Puppycasting here we come . . .

Are we having fun yet?

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 07:06
by Ian
Lobster, you can do a tar.gz file using TkZipArchiver in Puppy, once you have done it twice it becomes second nature. All you have to do is open it find the file/files you want to tar.gz, click on File then the action you want to take, New Archive, then select the gzipped tar button at the top of the next window, enter a name for the new file in the Archive Name field, click on create and Add the file/files from the next window and click on Add to Archive.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 07:15
by Ian
Hey, Hey,
I downloaded it and listened to the Voice of Reason, great stuff Lobbie, I'm impressed.

Sound of the mail

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 08:30
by Lobster
Thanks Ian :)

OK here is the procedure:

. Open a test file and make sure you can hear it - you will find some in Puppy referrence
If you can not hear then double click on the speaker on the taskbar bottom right and adjust the volume
. Make sure you have a mic and that you can record and playback - if not your soundcard is not yet supported

  • . Start Multimedia /xs Sound editor
    . In XS go to (on the menu) Audio / Audio settings
    change the sample rate to 8000
    change the encoding to Alaw
    change channels to mono
    . click on (main menu) Options and save options
    . Click on record and speak into mic
    . Click on save as and change the "Files of type" to Au
    when saving put in the extension eg
Now you can send the file to any penguin AND I bet au is playable in Windows Outlook Express and Outlook etc (can someone confirm this?)

I will now ask John to make au a file we can accept on the forum - (zipping the file will incidentally compress it by a further 40% / 50%)

this info has been added here on the wiki

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 15:21
by Flash
Lobster, why use .au, rather than .mp3, recording format? Is .au used by some program that can't use .mp3?


Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 16:23
by Lobster
Basicaly because au is the first part of Aum (the Divine Mantra)

No that is not the reason . . . au is a very good format for mono sound files - especially speech. mp3 is better suited to music, though it can be compressed and used for mono speech. Wav files can also be compressed and if you are in Windows and use sound recorder you can set the recording format to truespeech which will give you high compression (but not very good sound - acceptable though)

The best and emerging format for voice files is ogg vorbis which has a special codex called speex for this (open source by the way). Ogg Vorbis has better sound and compression than MP3

Another format (with a program for Linux - which may be too big for Puppy) is Purevoice and this is excellent and is lisenced for use in mobile phones

If you look at the XS sound recorder program - you will find

1. It is written in the excellent and simple tcl script language
(so all you need to code it is a text editor and a tutorial and dedication)
2. The tools option is available on the menu meaning we already have the place for voicemail recording or other special pup usages


(Praise to the Lingam Jewel in the Yoni Lotus)

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 16:48
by Flash
Thanks, that's what I wanted to know.

It seems to me that mp3 would be the obvious choice, since it is universally playable. Perhaps as an experiment you could convert the same wav file to both mp3 and au, using the maximum compression settings for each, to see which gives the smaller file.

Incidentally, I believe most mp3 encoders allow you to choose mono. I know Lame does, because I use mono when I rip books-on-CD and convert them to mp3, so I don't have to carry so many CDs around in my car. (And Lame is open source.) :)

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2005, 21:01
by Rich
Not sure if I've got something missing from my system, or just a dodgy version of XS ( puppy 1.0.1 ), but I haven't got any options to set the sample rate.
The only rate listed is 48000, also it won't let me select Mono - ( well, it WILL let me select mono, then comes up with the error message -'Unable to set number of channels' ).

Subsequently I can't play back your dulcit tones with XS without thinking of Pinky and Perky. Gxine plays you back fine though.

Next time I catch you in the chatroom I might just ask you to send me your XS.tcl script file.