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Spying for the government for fun and profit

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 14:09
by Flash ... informant/
Chet Uber, the director of Fort Pierce, Fl.-based Project Vigilant, says that he personally asked Lamo to meet with federal authorities to out the source of a video published by Wikileaks showing a U.S. Apache helicopter killing several civilians and two journalists in a suburb of Baghdad, a clip that Wikileaks labeled "Collateral Murder." Lamo, who Uber said worked as an "adversary characterization" analyst for Project Vigilant, had struck up an online friendship with Bradley Manning, a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who currently faces criminal charges for releasing the classified video....
....Uber's Wikileaks revelation is one of the first public statements from the semi-secret Project Vigilant. He says the 600-person "volunteer" organization functions as a government contractor bridging public and private sector security efforts. Its mission: to use a variety of intelligence-gathering efforts to help the government attribute hacking incidents. "Bad actors do bad things and you have to prove that they did them," says Uber. "Attribution is the hardest problem in computer security."....
....A Vigilant press release says that the organization tracks more than 250 million IP addresses a day and can "develop portfolios on any name, screen name or IP address."....
....Uber, who formerly founded a private sector group called Infragard that worked closely with the FBI, compares the organization's techniques with Ghostnet, the Chinese cyber espionage campaign revealed last year that planted spyware on computers of many governments and NGOs. "We've developed a network for obfuscation that allows us to view bad actors," he says....
.....The organization already has a few big names on its roster. According to a San Francisco Examiner article last month, its volunteer staff includes former NSA official Ira Winkler and Suzanne Gorman, former security chief for the New York Stock Exchange.

Posted: Mon 02 Aug 2010, 18:16
by PaulBx1
There's never any shortage of scum willing to sell their souls for a fat defense contract.

In the meantime, Julian Assange has put up an insurance policy on his website. Be sure to download it... ... nce-policy