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Programming karma

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 08:05
by Lobster
been using dir2pet in Lucid 5.1 (from console) :)

Managed to create this which puts the files just above root
- a menu entry is added but not yet usable
. . . near enough

run which should be in the above root dir/folder
restart x and the should run (right click and change permissions if not working)

Now the puzzle . . .
Why does Ganesh only appear sometimes?
(I appreciate that he is a representation of the Universal Brahman
- but even so) :wink:
Maybe he does not appear at all for you and I am blessed?
Anyway need more Ganesh

Second problem is how to hit enter
in this bit of code
from the
after adding a mantra number
(at the moment you click on OK once number added)

Code: Select all

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
function input_message()
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Xdialog --title "INPUT BOX" --inputbox \
"How many mantras to recite?" 0 0 2> /tmp/inputbox.tmp.$$
input=`cat /tmp/inputbox.tmp.$$`
rm -f /tmp/inputbox.tmp.$$
case $retval in
echo "Input string is '$input'";;
echo "Cancel pressed.";;
echo "Box closed.";;
Can the code be improved?
- I just 'nabbed from net' and added/hacked . . .

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 19:35
by seaside
Second problem is how to hit enter
in this bit of code
from the
after adding a mantra number
(at the moment you click on OK once number added)
I'm not sure if xdialog can default with an enter key. Perhaps Gtkdialog would be ok as follows:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash

export DIALOG='
<window title="Mantras" icon-name="gtk-dialog-question">
        <label>Mantra Recitals:</label>
      <entry activates-default="true">
        <default>How Many ??</default>
      <button cancel></button>
      <button can-default="true" has-default="true" use-stock="true" > 
CHOICES=`gtkdialog3 --program=DIALOG`
Must keep those musical apps healthy and well fed. :D


Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 23:29
by Lobster
Perhaps Gtkdialog would be ok as follows:
I cut and pasted your solution Seaside
and it solved both problems :)

This is my sort of programming :wink:
Thank you so much :D

Interestingly you benefit and share in the merit of
any mantra recitations this inspires
In fact I will do extra as part of a challenge

PS. and the code was more comprehensible to me

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 08:17
by Lobster
I have updated the program here ... 208#445208

and it works great :)
but I would like to ensure that clicking in the close program
(x top left of initial dialog) does not start the program
but works the same as cancel

I would also like to have the ability to disable full screen mode
which is here in the code

Code: Select all

#if [ "gtk-fullscreen" = "1" ]
#echo true
#else echo false
but frankly I have not a clue what I am meant to be doing
any help offered is welcome :)