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atanks 4.6

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 12:15
by dinosoep
I would love to play atanks on my puppy.
the sources are downloadeble here;
and you will need allegro, here: ... 2dc#444284

I have been able to compile it myself but the files are scramble over my system and I want a clean pet. I also have no experience in compiling and packaging stuff myself and this was the first succesfull one :p

they have a deb, that one doesn't wok[/url]

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 12:23
by paulhomebus
Could you please tell us which Puppy Version you would want it compiled for?

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 13:37
by dinosoep
lucid puppy

Re: atanks 4.6

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 13:49
by ttuuxxx
dinosoep wrote:
I have been able to compile it myself but the files are scramble over my system and I want a clean pet. I also have no experience in compiling and packaging stuff myself and this was the first succesfull one :p

they have a deb, that one doesn't wok[/url]
The best way to package it up is

Once you type "make" and its finished compiling, don't close the screen instead type new2dir make install
that will run a script that will package it up into a single folder for you

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 13:51
by dinosoep
yeah, I tried somethning like that
didn't worked, gonna try again :)

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 14:00
by dinosoep
update: didn't work
can someone please help me out, I feel stupid :roll:

Posted: Sun 22 Aug 2010, 14:47
by ttuuxxx
It compiles and packages fine hmmm, I compiled it on 2.14X.
Here's the packages for 2.14x


Re: atanks 4.6

Posted: Sat 04 Dec 2010, 14:53
by moB
ttuuxxx wrote:
dinosoep wrote:
I have been able to compile it myself but the files are scramble over my system and I want a clean pet. I also have no experience in compiling and packaging stuff myself and this was the first succesfull one :p

they have a deb, that one doesn't wok[/url]
The best way to package it up is

Once you type "make" and its finished compiling, don't close the screen instead type new2dir make install
that will run a script that will package it up into a single folder for you
When compiling I like to go like this...say:

mkdir /mnt/home/someDir-1.2.3

./configure [--option --option1 ...--optionN]


make install DESTDIR=/mnt/home/someDir-1.2.3

This puts all in the dir someDir-1.2.3 on the harddrive.

At that point use Barry's dir2pet:

cd /mnt/home
dir2pet someDir-1.2.3

If you don't like it edit the directory and go agian with tar, gzip,
tgz2pet, just as it says at the end of dir2pet.


Best of results to you!

With much interest I sat watching him. Savage though he was, and
hideously marred about the face - at least to my taste - his
countenance yet had a something in it which was by no means
--Melville, Moby-Dick