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Legacy OS (TEENpup) User Experience Feedback

Posted: Thu 02 Sep 2010, 23:03
by john biles
Hello Everyone,
Please post any problems in the other Legacy OS posts. Please only post comments on your "User Experience" Here.

Feel free to comment on the good the bad and the ugly !

I waited months for this and it's the biggest load of #$@@ I've every seen!
I Like it worth the wait.
Feel free to say what you feel good or bad, I'll still love you. :D

Posted: Fri 03 Sep 2010, 23:00
by john biles
Hello Everyone,
For those who do get to a working desktop, do you like what you see?
Is the menu easier to follow then in TEENpup 2009 Legacy?

Please when ready share your thoughts. There are a number of Apps you don't see regularly in most Distro releases.

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 01:17
by James C
Guess I'm just lucky but I booted the Legacy OS disc on 4 of 4 different machines. Did a full install now and checking everything out.And there is a lot to check out. :lol:

Overall, the default desktop looks nice and the new menus seem less busy and easier to navigate.I'll use this some and give some other better informed impressions.

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 02:51
by sullysat
Hi john!

I don't have any hardware to load this on just now, so I'm playing in a virtualbox...

So far, I'm really liking the distro. I like the newer, more polished look, the range of useful applications, and the fact that you have most of what *I* used or would like to use already installed and running on the system, including a couple of obscure things like frostwire, dia, and some of the other charting and mindmapping apps.

As an educational consultant, this distro is going to be one I recommend to my students.

Obviously I haven't had a chance to actually USE all of the apps you've included here, but I am going through it all and so far I have one question.

For chat apps, why is there only skype and Kmess? How would a person use either of the other two major chat services, Yahoo messenger or AIM?

I looked around and I'm either not finding a way to log into those accounts, or there isn't one, which means that I still need attym or pidgin (preferred).

That's all I have so far. Looking really good.

Thanks for all the hard work!


P.S. For those that don't already know, this little beauty is mirrored on my puppy page (see below).

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 03:29
by john biles
Hello sullysat,
I know what you mean about chat applications. I spent a lot of time looking for ways to chat on more protocols. Opera has a widget that allows yahoo and aim chat and is easily added. But if you looking for a separate chat app then download jbuddy from here and unpack. just drag this file on to the desktop and rename it. I wanted to include jbuddy by default but it is propriety software not GPL or freeware and the full version requires you buy a licence. There's nothing to stop you or anyone else running this in any Puppy running Java.

See screenshot for both.

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 04:40
by sullysat
Awesome! I'll have to take a look at that.

Another option is Meebo, through the browser, I suppose. I was pretty sure you had a plan.


Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 05:06
by johnnywinner
I just had a few bumps. Moved the files to the / on the partition; edited grub; renamed my pup_save.2fs files; and after a full install, created /etc/ppp/peers/wvdial and edited resolv.conf and wvdial.conf.

Now everything's working great. This is excellent work, John! Thanks!

I would like to know, what is the best equivalent to a devx for Legacy OS?

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 06:53
by smokey01
Pidgin has a pretty good list.

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 13:47
by sullysat
Pidgin is a great list, but its also a little cranky to install on puppy.

I'm in the browser anyway, I'll just use Meebo probably. I'm already used to that since that IS the chat client for Classic Pup.


Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 14:08
by john biles
Hello johnnywinner,
Because Legacy OS is built on top of Puppy 2.14 you would want to start with devx_214.sfs which appears to be no longer available. You could try devx_216.sfs and rename it to devx_214.sfs from the link below. ... modules-2/

I don't know how much luck you will have as Legacy OS uses glibc 2.5 from Puppy 3.0 like ttuuxxx's 2.14x does.

What are you trying to compile? as there may be a usable package compiled somewhere else.

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 16:51
by technowomble
Legacy OS ran nicely from live CD on my 400Mhz P2, and as far as I could see the apps. did what it said on the tin, except that I could not get my networking configured. Not too surprising, as I'm running WPA2 security, and from memory I couldn't get wifi working until Puppy 4.2.1, with jermimah's Pwireless. So my impression? A good distro for older hardware, using ethernet, but wifi could be problematical.

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 20:03
by johnnywinner
Hey John,

Thanks for the reply!

I managed to find

Initially it was for UIPS (a rom patcher), and JACL (a text adventure toolkit). UIPS provides no Linux binary, although there's also JIPS, written in Java, but they both provide source code.

As far as I know no packages exist for Puppy, and the JACL binaries need a newer glibc.

Legacy OS is already packed with useful applications, but it's nice to have the option when a program only provides incompatible binaries, or none at all.

Posted: Sun 05 Sep 2010, 02:33
by john biles
Hello anyone trying Legacy OS what do you think of Kooldock and has anyone pressed "BG" at the bottom of the screen?

Posted: Sun 05 Sep 2010, 03:27
by sullysat
Its nice to have kooldock installed for those who wish to use it, and the background changer is a nice touch. Can it be tweaked or modified?

If you do any little updates, my personal preference would be to see some more professional theme choices and to be able to change the mouse theme. That's one thing that Puppy always needs IMO, and something that I always add.

But all that's just window dressing on what's already looking dang good!


Posted: Sun 05 Sep 2010, 08:56
by dealora
I do not detect sound blaster 16 with alsaconf nor-wifi usb tp-link setup with network wn321g

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 17:41
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 13:59
by Keef
I've tried this, as although I tend to go for the more barebones approach, I like to have something on hand that has a shed load of software all ready to go.
No problems booting, first with a manual frugal install, and then from a DVD.
I like the idea of dark themes, but in practice I've never found one that really works for me. I definitely don't like the icons, especially the ones in the directories, which are far too garish, and not easy on the eye.
I've already changed the Rox background (for directories) back to white.
Menus: Quite a good job on these, but when you have a series of entries all beginning with the same word (eg "My.." "Create..." "View...") I think it reduces the readability.
I'm posting now from Legacy via a wireless connection. I knew it could be done as I ran 214R / 217/ MeanPup / 214X etc with the same USB dongle.
Meant adding something to rc.local and copying a file over from a working setup.
Opera seems unexpectedly slow in rendering pages.
Copying files (using Rox) has an issue - when it ask if you want to replace an exisiting file, clicking on Yes will not work unless you click somewhere else first. Very tedious if copying a directory for instance. Holding down 'Alt+Y' works, but is still a pain.
I find I'm using the Quick Launch menu a fair bit.
Devx: I have an sfs converted from the pet for 214X which got loaded automatically (I forgot it was there) and it seems to work ok, although I never do anything complicated.

Processor Intel(R) Celeron(R) M processor 1.30GHz
Memory 483MB (274MB used)
Resolution 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Mesa GLX Indirect
X11 Vendor (null)
Audio Adapter ICH - SiS SI7012

Network: Netgear WG111T USB (using ndiswrapper, WPA-PSK connection)

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 22:49
by john biles
Hello Keef,
Excellent feedback! Something to think about for the next release.

I'm posting now from Legacy via a wireless connection. I knew it could be done as I ran 214R / 217/ MeanPup / 214X etc with the same USB dongle.
Meant adding something to rc.local and copying a file over from a working setup.

Can you post your your rc.local and any other hints for other users including make and model of your USB dongle. When I get enough extra info I'll create a guide crediting each user in the guide.

Moving or copying with ROX over the years and having to place it in the right spot, I guess I've just got use to it.
If I need to move a group of say photos from one directory I use Krusader. May be try that.

Again thank you for your informative reply :D

Posted: Fri 10 Sep 2010, 00:11
by john biles
I am currently working on a "How to install to Hard Drive Guide" to make it as easy as is possible. IE: a no experience new user. Coming Soon. :D

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 20:28
by sneekylinux
just to say that i have just uploaded install video for legacy os,just pop over to youtube and visit my page...i also have another video in the line to be uploaded about problems too,but that will be a few days yet.