Alternative way to mount a series of partitions

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Alternative way to mount a series of partitions

#1 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

Here is an alternative way I discovered to mount a series of partitions with no manual
intervention, in one fell swoop.

This can come in handy if
-- you are booting from DVD;

and / or
-- you have quite a few partitions to mount;

and / or
-- your drives are not always recognized in the same order at boot;
---- this one can be a time waster, since you think your partitions are mounted and
they're not, or they want to be mounted on other mount points; and you have to
(re)do the mounting manually;

and / or
-- you do not wish to use PMount times the number of partitions you have.
---- To be clear, PMount is an excellent utility; if you're happy with how PMount works,
by all means continue using it.
---- This script is not a criticism of PMount. It only does things differently.

What this script does:
-- it scans the partitions you have using probepart;
-- it creates mount points if need be;
-- it handles vfat, ext* and fdfs (NOT ntfs at this time, sorry).

A pet is attached. It contains the following script plus a link to it in /root/Startup.
So your desired partitions will be mounted automatically at boot.

The script is as follows --

Code: Select all

# /root/my-applications/bin/
# with symlink at /root/Startup/
# Purpose: Mount all vfat, ext*, and fdfs partitions by deduction
# -------- using BK's probepart and a /root/Startup script.
# Caution: probably only works on PuppyLinux, since probepart
# -------- is not present in all Linuxes.
# musher0, May 3rd, 2020. GPL2.
for type in vfat ext2 ext3 ext4 fdfs;do
# You may remove the types you do not wish to mount.
# E.g. if you wish to mount only the ext* filesystems,
# remove "vfat" and "fdfs" from the above line.
	probepart | grep $type | cut -d"|" -f 1 | cut -d"/" -f3 > /root/my-applications/list

	if [ "`wc -l < /root/my-applications/list`" -gt "0" ];then
	# This part kicks in only if file /root/my-applications/list
	# has at least one line in it.
		cd /mnt
		while read line;do
			[ -d /mnt/$line ] || mkdir /mnt/$line
			# This line creates mounting points as needed.
			sleep 0.2s # Doesn't work if process too fast.
			# So we slow it down a bit.
			mount -t $type /dev/$line /mnt/$line
			# Actual mounting of desired partitions.
		done < /root/my-applications/list
		cd - # Back to the directory we came from.
It works fine on jrb's 32-bit upupbb-light. It should work fine on all 32-bit and 64-bit
Puppies as well since this is a bash script.

Any constructive feedback or bug report welcome. But please read the comments
in the above script first, your answer may be in them.

Alternative way to mount a series of partitions using BarryK's probepart.
(1020 Bytes) Downloaded 150 times
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