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WINE and Serial Ports

Posted: Sat 02 Oct 2010, 07:09
by aliG
System : Puppy 4.3.1 Embedded system on CF Card in IDE adaptor, WINE 1-3.0 (SFS), Motherboard has COM port (16550A UART)

Hi, I don't know if this is too "hardware" for here, but here goes...

I'm trying to connect my small embedded puppy server to a weather station using the serial port, the everything runs fine under windows but I can't get the serial port to work on WINE under puppy. After a lot of googling, step so far:

1 - create com port in ~/.wine/dosdevices "ln -s /dev/ttyS0 com1"

2 - set serial port with "stty 2400 cs8 –parenb –cstopb -clocal – F /dev/ttyS0"
(Baudrate 2400 Bits 8 Parity None Stopbits 1)

Speaking to the author of the software I think the issue is the weather station requires DTR -ve and RTS +ve. The software does this when it starts - on windows with a meter I can see the pins go high and low - but under WINE it does not.
see: for more info if interested...

I've never done serial ports under Linux before so am a bit in the dark, Does anyone know how to force the pins states, e.g. write to the UART's registers, and if I do this will it lock the port so the windows software cant use it?

Thanks for reading this far!