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¿Which is the best antivirus for puppy? leave your opinion

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 14:13
by mgl
Although puppy comes with F-prot, I was wondering which was the best antivirus for puppy

Re: ¿Which is the best antivirus for puppy? leave your opinion

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 16:04
by RetroTechGuy
mgl wrote:Although puppy comes with F-prot, I was wondering which was the best antivirus for puppy
Best: Puppy Linux

(in other words, Puppy doesn't need antivirus, unless you're scanning a Windows system, or using it as a email server for your Windows network).

For scanning Windows, I use Clam (or ClamWin -- which runs on Windows), I've always liked F-Prot (though their new active Windows software killed my machine performance), and there are a few live-boot CD virus scanners (if I recall correctly, AVG and Avast both have one -- perhaps some others)

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 17:42
by Mzg
Yeah, antivirus is overkill. On the topic of security, it doesn't hurt to use a firewall. By default you are logged in as root on puppy, so being a bit careful might be smart.

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 19:04
by Aitch

Sorry to throw this at you.....the best antivirus I can think of, is to remove the browser, and not plug in a usb stick

Seriously, viruses are for that other OS, in 99.99999% of cases, and come from outside the PC

I've never used F-prot in 4 years, if that's a clue

I do use Firefox, [previously firepup] with WOT plugin to warn me of unsafe sites, and turn on the firewall

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 19:32
by linuxsansdisquedur
best antivirus :!:
because you don t use windows anymore :wink:
because you run in frugal and always have a backup pupsave 8)
because you re a puppy user :P

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 20:52
by pemasu
it depends on what you are going to do with antivirus.

I scanned one young lady`s laptop with Vista and broken hdd. She had downloaded over 1000 mp3 and wma music songs. LiveCD Bitdefender and f-prot from puppy both found (same ?) 60 trojans which I removed. And she had f-secure antivirus enabled. After I had setup a new hdd to her laptop and copied the rest music, I used newly installed Vista and ms security client and it found still one trojan more.

So If you scan highly infected files, use 2 or more virus scanners one after another in windows OS.

I agree that above recommendations are enough with puppy.

Savefile backup is highly recommended so that you can experiment safely with the other savefile. Or use pfix=ram.

Posted: Wed 06 Oct 2010, 19:39
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010, 00:38
by mgl
Airm don't worry, what you said does not bother to me.
Obviously a wise user is the best AV
Activating puppy firewall was the first thin I do after setting up the internet connection
But sometimes my friends send me documents, photos, etc and other times i download a binary file o a pet made for someone An I was wondering if I should check those files for viruses (I know that the viruses a .doc file may have can't make damage on Puppy)
I was told that a bin file needs that I granted permission to be an executable file, but sometimes I install a pet or unpack some application files which comes with some executables files ¿Is this a risk?
Besides being a root user made me more vulnerable ¿Doesn't it?
I had another disk with WIN98 SE and clam AV
I'm only trying to learn more about security on Linux, that is a reliable system a is

PD I've installed F-prot 1.23 which comes with puppy, and don't works. I get this message: cannot detect f-prot version. How can I "uninstall" f-prot

Posted: Wed 13 Oct 2010, 05:26
by pemasu
It is a known bug and Tasmod has released a for it. Also there is f-prot commandline package pet for lucid 5.1.1.

To uninstall, usually you go to PPM aka puppy package manager and uninstall it, but if you are using puppy 4.3.1 and use X-F-prot launcher it might be that you have to track files and remove them manually.

Use Pfind and search for f-prot and similar keywords

Posted: Sun 24 Oct 2010, 20:26
by mgl
Thanks for answering me

¿Where can i get that patch pet from?
I should tell you that XFprot didn't appear in PPM

I followed you advice
"Use Pfind and search for f-prot and similar keywords"
And I got this:

¿You say that I have to delete all of them to uninstall f-prot without left looses ends?
Thanks in advance

PS I'm thinking about installing clamp because is a Open Source program

Posted: Mon 25 Oct 2010, 05:27
by pemasu

Posted: Thu 28 Oct 2010, 14:56
by jrb ... load-list/
This website has 8 downloadable antivirus live CDs. I haven't tried any of them (yet) and I don't know if they are up to date.

I'm currently downloading the AVG live CD from and will test it on CDRW. Looks like something I should add to my toolkit. 8)

Posted: Tue 09 Nov 2010, 19:13
by yorkiesnorkie
mgl wrote: PD I've installed F-prot 1.23 which comes with puppy, and don't works. I get this message: cannot detect f-prot version. How can I "uninstall" f-prot
Hi mgl,

I thought that I should let you know I found that, while the XFProt Gui doesn't appear to work, FProt itself has been installed via the Puppy 4.3.1 menu. So you can run FProt from the command line if the XFProt Front end GUI will not work for you. You need to open a terminal:

If you wish to perform a normal scan, please type the following and press Enter:

Code: Select all

f-prot /(type path of file(s) to be scanned)

Further directions and the command line scan options can be found here: ... index.html

I actually found it just as convenient to use the terminal, since you can open it in whatever directory you are in by right clicking and opening the terminal there. Then the path you have to type is much shorter!

Note that you can scan any thing you like, such as your downloads, but I doubt you'll find a problem on the Linux side of things. From Puppy I've used both F-Prot and ClamAV to scan windows partitions and removed various threats to my family's Windows PCs despite their PCs being supposedly protected and clean. Most of my family are all addicted to Windows I'm afraid. Too bad really.

I've been running Puppy for a few years now as a frugal install and not had any problems so every time I get called to the rescue I never miss a chance to rub it in a little that I don't have the issues they do. :P My spouse loves Puppy Linux though so I made one convert!

Use some protection for your browser as suggested by someone above.
