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x3100 (can't play games, kernel 2.6.3x)

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 20:05
by Keanen
My x3100 is an "unknown device" and no 3D games that take advantage of hardware acceleration will work.

I've tried tons of libraries, but nothing seems to help me run something so simple as AssaultCube. Neither will Direct3D programs work under Wine.

When I had Windows, I was running Crysis. Now I can't even get the drivers to make the simplest things work. I need video drivers, Debian or Puppy Linux specific, to make my games work.

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 20:17
by bigpup
What version of Puppy Linux?
What video card? Specific name, company, model.
How are you running Puppy?

Posted: Tue 05 Oct 2010, 20:31
by Keanen

Intel X3100 GMA

Live booting from a flash drive with personal storage file on the flash drive.

Posted: Tue 12 Oct 2010, 23:22
by Keanen
Look guys, if I had it my way everyone would switch to a BSD derivative and the game industry would die, but I need those graphic drivers so I can play some games! I've got AssaultCube sitting on my flash drive (right beside my Puppy Linux live boot) and I want to play it and not look at a black screen or a debug error message. Same with Blender and Halo and DarkBASIC and every single thing that uses graphic acceleration on the card, I CAN'T RUN!