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problems with start-items dotpup

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2006, 05:07
by guest
I installed the start-items on puppy 1.0.7. It isn't working. I dragged (and dropped) the tablaunch icon to it but still I have to click tablaunch everytime i boot up puppy to "macify" my desktop. I tried other dragging other apps to it, even html files and yet they do not autoexecute. i am using icewm.

Re: problems with start-items dotpup

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2006, 08:43
by Marco_Inge
guest wrote:I installed the start-items on puppy 1.0.7. It isn't working. I dragged (and dropped) the tablaunch icon to it but still I have to click tablaunch everytime i boot up puppy to "macify" my desktop. I tried other dragging other apps to it, even html files and yet they do not autoexecute. i am using icewm.
I've got the same problem. I'm using Puppy 1.0.7 and Icewm too.

Thank for any help, I'm a very recent Linux user and I must say that Puppy is giving me much fun, great distro!


Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2006, 12:55
by MU
I created another one.


You add one line to /root/.xinitrc , then you can drag'n'drop files on the autostarter-roxapp.

This autostarter creates a small shellscript for every entry.
If the dropped file is executable, the script will change to the programs folder, and then run it.
If it is not executable, then rox will run that file with the default-application, so you can drop HTML-files or pictures.

To delete an entry, simply delete the script in /root/autostart.

The Dotpup creates a menu-entry, that displays the readme with Details.

Tip: If you use KDE, you can drag
/root/my-roxapps/autostarter-MU/KDE-myRoxApps to the KDE-Desktop from Konqueror.
Then you can open the "my-roxapps"-folder with rox with a single mouseclick.

Download (7 kb): ... ter-MU.pup


Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2006, 14:24
by MU
I added "quicklaunch-mu", that works the same way as autostart.
Just don't add this folder to .xinitrc.
So you have a folder to add prorams often used.

Simply with Drag'N'Drop.
Like this they are easier to access than in a complex menu, and you even can edit each generated script if you want to modifiy a behaviour.


Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2006, 15:56
by dvw86
I created the original Start-Items Dotpup for an earlier version of Puppy. It replaces the .xinitrc file instead of just adding the extra line to it. I never tested Start-Items under 1.0.7 so my .xinitrc file may not work well in 1.0.7. If I get a chance I'll re-write it.

of autostart and gnudoku in tardis puppy

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2006, 08:48
by oomisilekootsi
Thanks!!! the autostart is working properly in 1.0.7! now my puppy desktop is mac-ified!!!
Yeah, maybe start-menu doesn't work properly in 1.0.7, just like some other dotups such as the Eboard downloader dotpup. It fails to download the 1.5 meg file in tardis puppy. luckily, eboard is available at It installed properly using the three magic words! (the ./include, make, and make install)
The only thing that keeps me from sleeping soundly is the gnudoku. It has dependecy issues and yet the files needed are actually there in gnudoku folder! I hope some puppy guru would make a solution to that.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2007, 18:26
by MU
I updated the autostart + quicklaunch dotpup.

Now supports localization, and has more descriptive messages.

The startscripts now are named a-thescript- instead of ~thescript~ , as "~" is used for trash-files in rox.
Old filenames are converted automatically, if you click on autostart or quicklaunch.

New download: ... ter-MU.pup


Posted: Fri 15 Aug 2008, 12:31
by telemetric_au
this is great ,thanks so much, my fav is simple small handy apps...