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Samba 3.5.5

Posted: Fri 15 Oct 2010, 00:32
by Mobeus

Your Announcement

Posted: Fri 15 Oct 2010, 14:52
by gcmartin
Got this announcement and I have posted a "Simply, Teaching Puppy to SAMBA" doc for startup users over the weekend (Most likely Sunday (US)). Great accomplishment, though, in covering the Puppy community; both the LiveCD (SAMBA PET which I've been using over the past 2 weeks) and the frugal community with your SFS. I am sure that many of us will be thankful users.

Now our Puppy(s) can move into the main-stream. This make a full-featured Puppy, low on memory, big on LAN services. In my preliminary comparison with a XP and a VISTA with a file transfer from a share, Pup511-SAMBA beats both systems serving the same file out to LAN users. None of my Microsoft PCs had to have anything done to see and use the resources made available from Puppy. My Puppy-Samba PC does everything same as any new PC with Microsoft.....everything now!

There are two great additions to the Puppy community using SAMBA.
  • A VERY LARGE community of supporter with 15 years of experience and contributions in SAMBA
  • A stable addition to the Puppy community.
These are important to me. ,,,, support and stability.

My hat is off to you for making this possible for all of this community.Thanks.
P.S. I had NO issues using SAMBA on Puppy 5.1.1 over the past 2 weeks. I have only been using and testing it as a simple non-secure NAS on the LAN, but there have been NO issues on installation, setup, use of its tools, and sharing information with my LAN. Thank you again for sharing this with all of us. Great work.

EDITED: Of equal significance and just as important, Shinobar had also contributed with an SFS for SAMBA 3.5.5. Thanks is in order to both of these individuals for these contributions.