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Posted: Wed 20 Oct 2010, 22:52
by GrumpyWolfe
Hi all

Here is the latest stable release of google-chrome you can download it here


If you have never run google-chrome in puppy you will need this lib package

You can read more about it at my blog

Edited for new libs get them here google-libs-6
Those are so that the libgcrypt-so.11 are in for Wary and Quirky pups.

Thanks to xman for his help here is the complete libs needed for it to run in Quirky and Wary

Posted: Sat 23 Oct 2010, 17:08
by xman
I can’t run your Chrome-7-stable version in Quirky-130 although I had google-libs installed.

I tried also Nikukyu’s (, and this version is a real killer on my old laptop. No extra libs needed.

Upgraded puppeee 1.0

Posted: Sun 24 Oct 2010, 07:30
by mawebb88
Thanks for this. I installed it on puppeee 1.0 to upgrade the built-in older version. Worked fine

Rgds Mike

Posted: Sun 24 Oct 2010, 14:17
by GrumpyWolfe
xman not sure why it did not work for you but have never tried it myself in Quirky and it may be that it needs some other libs not in my google-libs file so if you want you can install mine and then in a term window type google-chrome and see if it gives you any error messages. I do not see why it may be slowing down your system can you post your specs for you computer. Google chrome is not a light browser

Posted: Sun 24 Oct 2010, 19:42
by xman
I’m sure that Chrome is lighter than Firefox. That’s why I’m not using Firefox in XP - it’s killing XP. Chrome-007 compiled by Nikukyu ( is running very well on my laptop. It includes all libs needed in Quirky-130 (or Wary-030). It’s killer in browsing, not in killing OS. :wink:

Some test only for you: I downloaded your pets again, installed google-libs-5 and Chrome-stable-7. Chrome does not start and console says in Wary-030 or Quirky-130: /usr/bin/google-chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

Posted: Sun 24 Oct 2010, 19:45
by GrumpyWolfe
I will locate the lib and add to the google-libs so that it will work and when I do if you will try it I would be grateful.

I have uploaded a new set of libs get them here google-libs-6

Posted: Mon 25 Oct 2010, 04:44
by xman
Quirky-130, google-libs-6 and GW-Chrome-7 installed, no start for this Chrome. Console: /usr/bin/google-chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

Posted: Mon 25 Oct 2010, 16:06
by GrumpyWolfe
Thank you xman
For taking the time to test for me I am not wanting to download and test another puplet at this time here it the needed lib and later after we have it all investagated I will make a updated google-libs.

you can download libgpg-error0 here

Posted: Mon 25 Oct 2010, 17:02
by xman
Congratulations, GrumpyWolfe. Your GW-C7 has more fat than C-007 compiled by Nikukyu, but GW-C7-stable is now running in Quirky-130. Console has something to say, but nothing important or fatal, I think.

# google-chrome
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/opt/google/chrome/chrome: /lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/opt/google/chrome/chrome: /lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)

Posted: Tue 26 Oct 2010, 07:24
by xman
Wary-030, google-libs-6 and libgpg-error0 installed, GW-Chrome-7-Stable is running now.

Regards, x

Posted: Tue 26 Oct 2010, 20:04
by GrumpyWolfe
Thank you xman I will update the libs and put out a new pet with all the libs in one file. You help is very much appreciated.