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PDF bookbinder - gui for imposition

Posted: Sat 06 Nov 2010, 05:01
by disciple
This is a gui Java program for printing books (and booklets) from PDF. It does whatever it needs to do (rotating, rearranging, resizing pages) to get what you need.
Get it at
You need Java installed.
Start it by running something like `java -jar bookbinder3.0.jar`

See the documentation at ... bdocs.html as you probably won't understand a couple of the options.

Contrary to what the documentation says, it seems to put the output in the location that the program was run from, not the location where the program is. So if you start it by clicking on it in Rox the output files will be put in ~

You might also like to try podofoimposition, although that doesn't have a gui and is less automatic.

thanks for this

Posted: Sat 06 Nov 2010, 20:34
by vovchik
Dear disciple,

Thanks for bookbinder. I normally hate java dependencies because java is slow to load and a big memory hog but bookbinder is a great program. It does exactly what I need for producing leaflets and double-sided reduced study scores on A4 (music). I only wish somebody could recode this beast in C and GTK. It would be faster and a hell of a lot smaller.

But beggars can't be choosers, can they? The author did a good job. Thanks again.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 27 May 2012, 07:56
by disciple
It might also be worth checking out pdfbooklet.
It is PyGTK. Unfortunately it will need a bit of work to get it going on Linux... and it looks a bit like spaghetti code to me.