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Safe browsing Puppy

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 08:17
by pleriche
I want to create a puppy on a USB flash drive, saving set-up etc to a lupusave.sfs only while I set it up, but not thereafter. The idea is that I can then use it for accessing banking or other high value sites in the sure knowledge that no keyloggers or other bad stuff have been kept from a previous session. How do I do this? Is it something to do with PUPMODE?

Regards - Philip

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 09:22
by nooby
Philip, I should not comment due to me know too little to be sure.

But there are more ways they get to know the personal info needed to log in to a bank.

If you use wireless open or WEP and the easiest of WPA then they listen using clever programs that they can find for free on the internet. Our TV News has shown that that is possible on Wayne's Coffee and Burger King and all such open spots.

And they use faked spots to be able to record everything you do so one need something even better than a puppy on a stick if one are not on a wired connection to the ISP.

Maybe an encrypted VPN tunnel could help.

so to be really safe one need much more knowledge than I have.

Re you question on Modes.
I hope somebody knowing about such can help you.

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 09:34
by pleriche
Agreed, banking via a public WiFi hotspot is a bad idea (though if the bank consistently uses ssl you should be safe). But to return to the original question - ideas anyone?

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 10:16
by nooby
Philip, while we wait for the experienced users to chime in to give their versions of how they use an USB mem stick I would look at the following threads.

Security On-line banking: How safe is it? ... 864#345864

Question re online banking security and Puppy

Bank with Puppy

Net Security

Black Ops Puppy (Banking)

I guess that those that can answer in your thread here most likely have already answered same question in these threads.

No criticism, I just want to help you find all those answers that can give a broad approach to what you want to set up. Tested by those that had similar thoughts that you have.

But sure there can be those not active then that can give even better suggestion on what would be most safe way to do it.

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 10:59
by Sylvander
1. See post #237 on my Puppy_Linux thread.

2. If you want to see lots of other Puppy goodies I've found here on the Puppy forums....
Begin on the bottom of the present last page [page #12]...
And work back towards the beginning.

3. I use...
The FREEWARE version of Acerose Password Vault [APV]...
[It can be held in any storage location your Puppy can access->(must be mounted for use)]
And I run this Windows program using Puppy->WINE->[which MUST be natively included, or else installed].
[i.e. Enter the command winefile in a terminal window and navigate to the APV exe file, and double-click it].
Having run APV, you type in your username and password [specify these the 1st time you run it] to gain access to the contents of the vault.
The [encrypted contents of the] APV vault holds such info as...
(a) URL's for websites [cannot be "spoofed" or altered = guarranteed genuine]
(b) Usernames [for websites or whatever?]
(c) Passwords [for websites or whatever?]
(d) Security info.
(e) Any other info you want to keep safe.

4. I copy & paste URL, username, password, etc, to access a site.
These are therefore ALWAYS correct.
When I close the Puppy without saving the session...
The info in the clipboard [held only in RAM] is LOST.
So at next restart, the clipboard is EMPTY.
Because I use this particular Puppy ONLY for banking, and buying goods online...
I don't [use it to] go to any risky websites...
Nor fetch any emails...
So the only risk is by being hacked during a session [which is kept pretty short]...
And I have a router with built-in firewall, and also the Puppy software firewall.
Plus Puppy is practically unknown to ever have been hacked/infected.

Posted: Wed 10 Nov 2010, 11:21
by nooby
Here is the first link Sylvander give at that post 237 in case it get lost.

It describe how to make an USB with puppy for banking.

Online Banking Using Puppy LiveUSB
At the moment, these instructions only work with Windows-based computers. I hope to have a good solution for Mac users soon. Also see the overview and discussion of why this is good for online banking.

so maybe we would love to have such descriptions for making one using Puppy too? :)

I hate to go back to Ms they would want to update gigabytes bytes of patches to security holes now.

Posted: Fri 12 Nov 2010, 18:23
by nooby
some kind of security is to use the puppy version named my wolfe.

They have root login

username: root
password : your password