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Opera 11 beta (11.00-1111.i386) .pet and .sfs

Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010, 17:47
by Sit Heel Speak
***UPDATE Dec. 03 2010: In Puppy 431, beta-1111 is very stable, and the YouTube Downloader works very well.*** ... display=en

OK, here they are.

Frankly, I think they are jumping the gun calling this a beta.

Of the three:

the one I would recommend is alpha-1055. Its rendering is not quite as good as 1104, but 1055 is dead stable.

In this beta-1111, I am seeing artefacts during scrolling.

But, your mileage may vary. So, try all three!

Here's beta-1111:

PET package download:

(For .sfs package, see next message)

File name:
File size: 16.63MB
Description tags: Opera 11 beta (11.00-1111.i386 Nov. 23 2010) for Lucid, Quirky, Wary, packaged by Sit Heel Speak

# md5sum

One odd behavior: I cannot get it to obey a custom plugins location on first run, in other words it is *forcing* it to be /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, so will use whatever you have there. Adobe Flash Player "Square" 10.1 beta is in /usr/local/lib/opera-11.00-1111.i386/plugins so if the one you have doesn't work, try (after making a backup copy of the existing /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ symlink'ing-in the 10.1 beta to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. Or, just go get the newest one from Adobe and unpack it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

After opera-1111 is running, you can change the plugins subdirectory, as per aarf's instructions, below.

Further notes, see next message.

posted: Opera 11 beta (11.00-1111.i386) .sfs package

Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010, 23:38
by Sit Heel Speak
SFS package download:

File name: opera-11.00-1111.i386-SHS.sfs
File size: 17.34MB
Description tags: Opera 11 beta (11.00-1111.i386 Nov. 23 2010) .sfs file for Lucid, Quirky, Wary, packaged by Sit Heel Speak

# md5sum opera-11.00-1111.i386-SHS.sfs
4ae126c32f840652e853b7fcac7abbc1 opera-11.00-1111.i386-SHS.sfs

I have not added any extensions to the 1111 build. To add them go to:

One odd behavior: I cannot get it to obey a custom plugins location, in other words it is *forcing* it to be /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, so will use whatever you have there. Adobe Flash Player "Square" 10.1 beta is in /usr/local/lib/opera-11.00-1111.i386/plugins so if the one you have doesn't work, try (after making a backup copy of the existing /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ symlink'ing-in the 10.1 beta to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

You can toggle between the big red Menu button and a more-usual menu bar with Alt-F11. To enable smooth scrolling, left-click

Tools -> Preferences -> Advanced ->Shortcuts -> Middle-click options
Click to choose Start Panning. I leave horizontal pan unselected
-> and then OK out.

I like Opera because it saves webpages by default in single-file .mht format, and because sometimes Opera Turbo helps with my slow connection (but sometimes Turbo Off is faster, depends on the website)..

I also very much like the way that Opera 11 does ctrl-f search.

This package is an add-on .sfs file for current versions of Puppy Linux (Lucid Puppy 5.nn and the luci series and Quirky 1.n and Wary-09n-or-5) frugal installs which have already been shut down once and have had the savefile created. It installs Opera using the suffix -11.00-1111.i386 so it is completely separate from, and will not interfere with, any existing Opera (or other browser) installation. Thus, I'm giving you the chance to try Opera 11 without disturbing your present installations of other browsers and without having to first create a backup of your savefile. Well, you should back up your savefile before trying *anything* new, but you know what I mean.

Uninstalling this .sfs, that is, telling Boot Manager to remove it from the active (right-side) pane and rebooting, will leave your present Opera (and all other browsers) intact as they were before. You may wish to, before removing the .sfs from Boot Manager, run the uninstall program which is
to clear out the cache in /root/ and so forth from your savefile.

TO INSTALL: download from:

into either /mnt/home or into the subdirectory where you have Puppy, then
left-click Menu ->
System ->
Boot Manager configure startup ->
Choose which extra SFS files to load at bootup,
select (click to highlight) it in the left pane,
Add it to the right pane,
close out Boot Manager,
and reboot.

Opera will now be in your menu under Internet. Widgets Manager is under Setup.

Technical notes:

I moved the menu files (Opera-11.00-1111.i386.desktop et cetera) from
/usr/local/share/applications up to /usr/share/applications, so they are grouped with all the other common menu .desktop files.

I added one script in /root/Startup, Clean_Up_Opera_11.00-1111.i386_and_gFTP_and_KDE_wh_files, to prevent the savefile from growing too large. For explanation see I am not sure if performing these cleanups at the start of X, by placing the script in /root/Startup, is a good idea or not. Advice is welcome.

I have not implemented any of the safeguards against evercookies, presently being discussed at

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 00:07
by Sit Heel Speak

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 14:51
by aarf
have been using opera-11.00-1029.i386.linux.tar.gz click installed on its own private partition and it has been the best behaved trial version in a long while. not corrupting files on its partition either which is also a recent rarity. fsck comes up clean.
going to give opera-11.00-1111.i386.linux.tar.gz a shot now.still don't trust it enough to put on the same partition as my pupsave though. opera is virtually the only browser i have used for very long now.
in the settings>advanced preference tab>content>plug-in options you can add a new path to a flashplayer

clarification on opera 11 beta (1111)

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 16:10
by Sit Heel Speak
aarf wrote:in the settings>advanced preference tab>content>plug-in options you can add a new path to a flashplayer
What I meant was, opera-1111 is not observing my custom setting *on first run*. In 1055 and 1104, by including a customized


in the .pet or .sfs package, I was able to have it use


right from the start, instead of using (the default of)


...but 1111 just ignores the custom pre-supplied operaprefs.ini and sets the plugins directory to the latter.

But yes, you are correct, once 1111 is up and running, you can go in and re-set the location of the plugins directory.

Thank you for the Well-Behaved Opera 11 SFS

Posted: Sat 25 Dec 2010, 15:16
by mikeslr
Hi Sit Heel Speak:

Thank you for the Opera SFS, and Merry Christmas.

I've been using your sfs for a couple of weeks now. I too like Opera. It appears to open sites a little faster than Firefox and never took to Chrome's lack of a "google box." (Yah, I know how to google from the address bar, but it's annoying.)
At any rate, I wanted to thank you for your work and report that Opera has performed well with perhaps one small niggle. Although it remembers my bookmarks and preferences, including those for the Speed Dial, each time it starts it asks that I accept the terms of license.
Perhaps this is built in to the application because it's still in beta. But if not, is there some way to circumvent it.


Re: Thank you for the Well-Behaved Opera 11 SFS

Posted: Sun 26 Dec 2010, 06:49
by Sit Heel Speak
mikeslr wrote:...I wanted to thank you for your work and report that Opera has performed well with perhaps one small niggle. Although it remembers my bookmarks and preferences, including those for the Speed Dial, each time it starts it asks that I accept the terms of license...Perhaps this is built in to the application because it's still in beta. But if not, is there some way to circumvent it...
Thank you for the kind praise. I did indeed put a lot of effort into it, in order to make it behave as well as it does, and it feels most welcome for that effort to be recognized.

The display of the license agreement is determined by the line

Accept License=0

under the heading


in the configuration file


so if you change this line to

Accept License=1

then you will no longer see the license agreement.

So if you unpack the .pet or unsquash the .sfs, change that line, and re-pack or re-squash it, then you will no longer see the license agreement.

For example:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/SFS
mount -o loop -t squashfs opera-11.00-1111.i386-SHS.sfs /mnt/SFS
cd /mnt/SFS
geany ./root/.opera-11.00-1111.i386/operaprefs.ini
(change Accept License=0 to 1)
(close Geany, Save)
mkdir /mnt/home/SFS-source
cd /mnt/home/SFS-source
## note, there is a dot at the end of the following line:
cp -auvR /mnt/SFS/ .
## note, the dot before /SFS/ in the following line:
mksquashfs ./SFS/ opera-11.00-1111.i386-new.sfs -root-owned
cd /
umount /mnt/SFS
rmdir /mnt/SFS
(move the new .sfs to wherever you store them, delete /mnt/home/SFS-source)
and then use opera-11.00-1111.i386-new.sfs instead of the one I supplied.

Hmm...thinking about this just dawned on me how to build an Opera .pet which will stop evercookies. I'll have to get a little more ahead in the money chase first. Perhaps in January.

A belated (unless you are on Lobster Time) Merry Christmas also to you and best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous Happy New Year,