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FlightGear 2

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 13:00
by alpensepp
hello puppy lovers ...

since flightgear 2 has arrived some time ago, I searched the web for something like, the only thing I could find was flightpup1 where flighgear 1 is preconfigured. nice work, but in the meantime a little outdated because a lot of things have changed obviously concerning flightgear graphics.

putting a sophisticated flight simulator on top of a light operating system like puppy that doesn`t consume much system ressources is a nice idea, I think.

did anybody find a somewehere?
if not, does anybody have the knowledge/time to build one?

thanks for any answers!

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 23:08
by disciple
Miriam reported using a Slackware binary ... 312#420312

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2010, 23:27
by alpensepp
thank you disciple for posting the link, I`ll give the slackware package a try on the weekend.

Posted: Mon 06 Dec 2010, 14:10
by alpensepp
ok, downloaded the slackware flightgear packages and installed them with installpkg.
when I try to launch flightgear (command "fgfs") I get:

fgfs: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by fgfs)

am I missing a library or is it in the wrong place?
thanks for any ideas!

Posted: Thu 09 Dec 2010, 03:46
by disciple
Puppy will have an older version of the library. It is a fairly fundamental library, so I wouldn't normally mess with it.

Did you try the same package that miriam linked to though? What version of Puppy do you have?

Posted: Sat 11 Dec 2010, 18:48
by alpensepp
Puppy will have an older version of the library. It is a fairly fundamental library, so I wouldn't normally mess with it.
I thought so, therefore I didn`t mess :wink:
Did you try the same package that miriam linked to though? What version of Puppy do you have?
there was only one version of the package, as far as I could see.
I`m using muppy 8.3, a german version version of puppy3.
Maybe I`ll give puppy4 a try ...