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Forum search problem?

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2005, 18:37
by EarlSmith
Anyone having a problem searching the forum. No matter what I search for it always comes up with nothing!

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2005, 20:03
by Rich
It works fine for me.

Make sure you are in the 'root' of the forum though, otherwise it just searches the subdirectory that you are in.

Anything specific you're looking for? If you can't get it to work for you then post your question and I'll search it for you !

Posted: Tue 14 Jun 2005, 00:06
by EarlSmith
Thanks Rich,
I am trying to search for all post on "0.9.6" and "0.9.9"
Maybe there is a problem with just numbers?
Puppy version 0.9.9 and 0.9.6 posts are what I want to see.

Searching for numbers

Posted: Tue 14 Jun 2005, 08:21
by Lobster
There is a problem searching for numbers
I tried '0.9.6 and *.9.6
I would send a private message (that will get his attention) to John Murga

It is more likely that such searches will result in a better response on the old forum

Can you find what you require there?

Hope so :)