Some questions about Apache's .htaccess file

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Some questions about Apache's .htaccess file

#1 Post by smokey01 »

I'm looking for someone who is familiar with .htaccess.

I need a list of commands that can be used in the .htaccess file, in particular formatting.

Is this possible

The three questions I have are:

1. Is there a way within the .htaccess file to format the text that is displayed. I would like to make it a little larger and maybe bold it.

2. Is it also possible to make the text line up with the centre of the icon. Currently the text lines up with the bottom of the icon which looks a bit untidy.

3. I have also struck a problem with Descriptions. If the majority of letters of two filenames are the same, it seems to only recognise a limited number of letters in the filename. See the two filenames below, they should be treated differently but they are not.



When using the AddDescription command in .htaccess the same description is displayed for both files although the description is different, or only one description is displayed against one file.

Go here to see what I mean:

AddDescription "This is Filename Number Two" ThisIsFilenameNumberTwo.txt
AddDescription "This is Filename Number One" ThisIsFilenameNumberOne.txt

If I reduce the filename lengths to ThisOne.txt and ThisTwo.txt it works fine. How do I make it test the full filename to determine the correct descriptions?

This is the entire contents of my .htaccess file:

Options Indexes
IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=* SuppressRules
AddIcon /icon/folder24.png ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icon/pet.png *.pet
AddIcon /icon/xdiff24.png *.delta
AddIcon /icon/cd24.png *.iso
AddIcon /icon/text.png *.txt
AddIcon /icon/sfs.png *.sfs
AddIcon /icon/zip.png *.bz2
AddIconByType /icon/paint24.png image/*
AddIconByType /icon/multimedia24.png video/*
DefaultIcon /icon/help24.png
AddDescription "Video tutorial on Xdelta - diff file manager" diff-files.mpeg
AddDescription "Diff file to upgrade puppy ISO from 5.20 to 5.25"
AddDescription "Tutorial on how to install Puppy on a USB Flash Drive" Puppy_on_Flash.mpeg
AddDescription "Remaster a Puppy ISO"
AddDescription "Convert Audio and Video files to various format"
AddDescription "This is just a blank file to show what the ISO would look like" puppy.iso
AddDescription "This is Filename Number Two" ThisTwo.txt
AddDescription "This is Filename Number One" ThisOne.txt
AddDescription "This is Filename Number One" ThisIsFileNameNumberOne.txt
AddDescription "This is Filename Number Two" ThisIsFileNameNumberTwo.txt



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