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adobe air for puppy

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010, 00:25
by 666philb
One thing missing on my puppy is 'Mielophone'.. unfortunately it can only be installed with 'adobe air' .I've tried installing the ubuntu lucid adobe air from the ppm and it doesn't work.. ..

can anyone help?

Posted: Mon 03 Jan 2011, 21:40
by 666philb
Ok, the .deb file from the Adobe site installs fine. This is then supposed to run the installer, which it doesn't!

After rooting around i found the installer, but when i run it i get this error (attached)

How would i go about finding out the cause of this error? And remedying it? Obviously the installer needs something that puppy doesn't have, but i have no idea how to find out what that is!

Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011, 17:38
by DM was on fire!
Looks like Adobe Air has some dependencies. Link
* Packages - lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6 libc6-i386
* Other libraries -

Posted: Wed 12 Jan 2011, 07:09
by 666philb
Thanks DM was on fire!

I had seen that page, but had problems finding these.....

Other libraries -

So i tried ubuntu's 'adobeair_2.0.4.13090-1maverick1_i386.deb', i managed to find all the dependencies for it but it didn't work, it just broke puppy!.

Maybe i should offer a prize for the first person to get adobe air working on my puppy.............

Posted: Thu 20 Jan 2011, 12:25
by 666philb
Hooray!!!! I've got adobe air and mielophone working on puppy, and i'm extremely happy now!

The solution.....
well...erm.... i did cheat a bit.

I upgraded to lucid puppy 520, installed virtualbox (amazing software!), installed XP (you could install any OS that supports adobe air) on virtualbox, installed adobe air and mielophone on my virtual XP
I then took a snapshot of the virtual system with mielophone open and ready to go. Created a shortcut and plopped it on my desktop. Zero to mielophone in about 1.5 seconds!

I know that this isn't the most elegant solution, but after hours of searching and trying to install it in a more traditional way (breaking puppy multiple times!) i am absolutely over the moon with it. And whilst i maybe don't deserve the whole toblerone, i'm definately going to have a chunk!

Posted: Tue 01 Feb 2011, 18:44
by r1tz
Ok... The secret to getting air to work on puppy... is not installing it.

Just download the adobe air SDK, it is portable, so just junk it in /mnt/home/ and do the nessecary symlinks(if you want to)

download here: ... IRSDK.tbz2

Then use something like that to run your application
cd share
cd [directory to app]
../air/bin/adl application.xml
You will most likely get
initial content not found

Dont freak out... breath slowly.

Symlink the "Reg.swf"(this is case sensetive), the "config.xml" and any other required folder in the same location(like "content") from the parent directory to the directory that the application.xml is in.

And... POOF! you are done :D

You should make a script so you can just open it with a click. Put it on your desktop and add a nice icon. :D

EDIT: I will pm you my address. You better ship that chocolate over!!!!!!

Posted: Tue 01 Feb 2011, 20:22
by 666philb
HOORAY! ! ! ! :D

Thanks to r1tz i now have both adobe air and mielophone working on my puppy, and r1tz's solution should also work on any puppy.

To clarify, i downloaded the adobe air sdk, extracted it to a folder in my home directory. i then downloaded my app 'mielophone.air' and extracted it to its own folder using 7zip. I then symlinked from the 'application.xml' in my mielophone folder, to the adobe/bin folder (the one with 'adl' inside it). Next i did 'terminal here' in the adobe/bin folder and typed

Code: Select all

adl application.xml
i got the error like r1tz said and then i symlinked everything from my mielophone folder to the adobe/bin folder. Then i simply dragged and dropped the 'application.xml' onto the 'adl' and it works!!!

rt1z you definately deserve the huge giant toblerone......

sorry for eating a piece!



Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 16:22
by r1tz
btw, for people reading this in future, You can unzip the .air file with the command

Code: Select all
