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Forum downtime and issues today

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 00:55
by JohnMurga

Today we experienced some downtime, sorry for the inconvenience.

The server the forum is hosted on run out of space for several reasons :
  • An increase in the number of files that we host as attachments.
    A very inefficient backup script.
At the same time the hoster experienced some issues
(nothing major, but enough to distract from the problem at hand).

Either way, the issue was easy enough to fix ...
And I have re-written the backup scripts ...
So now we have more room for files :-)


Happy new year to you all !!

John de Murga

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 01:19
by runtt21
Sir, Thank you very much for all you do!!!!!

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 01:25
by jamesbond
Thank you John for your very important support.
Happy New Year to you too !

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 01:55
by ttuuxxx
Thanks John puppy wouldn't be Puppy without your forum/support :)
and Happy New Years to you also.

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 02:44
by Stripe
Dont worry about it,

I would like to say a big thank you for running/hosting the forum, it has been a great help to me

and a happy new year to you as well


Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 02:54
by Lobster
sorry for the inconvenience
I thought it was a penguin stampede for Lucid 5.2 . . .
or perhaps the only way we could get Larry Short and the Lucid
team to have a break . . . :)

Our recompense dept has been notified. :roll:
Any persons experiencing forum difficulties will be provided with wind
and can whistle into it (a free service) :oops:

Happy New Year John
Thanks for supporting Puppy with a continuous forum service 8)

Xrter (on the IRC forum) is offering to host a backup
and needs a php coder
Might be an opportunity for shared learning 8)

Puppy Yoda Linux
Do, or do not. There is no 'try.

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 05:16
by bigpup
Happy New Year!
Thanks for your quick action and all that you do for Puppy Linux. :)

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 05:30
by Aitch
Happy New Year, John
Big thanks for your continued support
I don't know if you changed the deal with R1Soft [Advert top right] but I now have to use noscript to block it....the flashing image gives me a headache!
Perhaps 'a word to our sponsors', might restore the earlier visible, but less intrusive advert?


Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 06:12
by Lobster
This message from barrys blog posted by 'edoc'
We badly need an independent Forum mirror so that on these occasions when murga-linux fails we don't lose our capacity to communicate.

If someone will tell me what resources are needed I will speak to my server provider about the cost to provide such a resource.

Hmm, isn't loading right now.

The computers that run are having some trouble. Usually this is just a temporary problem, so you might want to try again in a few minutes.

Want more detail? See which nameservers are failing.
Nameserver trace for

* Looking for who is responsible for root zone and followed
* Looking for who is responsible for com and followed
* Looking for who is responsible for and followed

Nameservers for


The servers listed are working, but something else might have gone wrong.
the main other forum is Linuxquestions

IRC from website

Much appreciation..

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 06:27
by russoodle
And a very Happy New Year to you too, John..

Puppy might've been limping along on three legs without your service and support :shock:

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 07:19
by Dewbie
Thanks, John, for being such a wonderful host!

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 08:48
by sc0ttman
thanks john, i realise how much i miss this forum when its not working right!

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 11:02
by dogle
Yup, there's nothing like a bit of downtime to make us all realise how important the forum is to us, and how much we value it.

Thanks a million, John.

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 16:20
by musher0
Hi, John.

Indeed, a thousand thanks for maintaining this essential tool for the Puppy community wouldn't be enough!. :D

Thanks for your good wishes, and I also wish you Joy, Happiness and Prosperity for 2011!

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 16:49
by pemasu
This forum is great and is fundamental for different puppy development beside Barry`s great work. I appreciate your hard work. And also these statements about what was problem.

Keep up the good work. And thank you.

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 16:53
by Saturn
John, I am more than willing to make a duplicate of this forum and rent a dedicated server from which to host it from
Just PM me if you Interested

I am leaving a link to what I have planned


and what it will look "Might" look like ... S_home.png

I'm planning to buy a Server with some beef and run some decent software on it to boot...

But this may take some time...


Re: Forum downtime and issues today

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 17:11
by tubeguy
JohnMurga wrote:Hi,

Today we experienced some downtime, sorry for the inconvenience.

The server the forum is hosted on run out of space for several reasons :
  • An increase in the number of files that we host as attachments.
    A very inefficient backup script.
At the same time the hoster experienced some issues
(nothing major, but enough to distract from the problem at hand).

Either way, the issue was easy enough to fix ...
And I have re-written the backup scripts ...
So now we have more room for files :-)


Happy new year to you all !!

John de Murga
Thank you! It's all good, these things happen. 8)

Re: Forum downtime and issues today

Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 17:52
by maxpro4u
JohnMurga wrote:Hi,

Today we experienced some downtime, sorry for the inconvenience.

The server the forum is hosted on run out of space for several reasons :
  • An increase in the number of files that we host as attachments.
    A very inefficient backup script.
At the same time the hoster experienced some issues
(nothing major, but enough to distract from the problem at hand).

Either way, the issue was easy enough to fix ...
And I have re-written the backup scripts ...
So now we have more room for files :-)


Happy new year to you all !!

John de Murga
Happy New Year to you and yours.

Thank you for making this forum available 8)

Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011, 04:31
by bones01
If it wasn't for this forum, and the prompt and helpful advice listed here, I would have given up on Puppy long ago.

Thanks for making the forum work, and for keeping it working.


Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011, 10:15
by capoverde
Quality shows, especially when problems arise and are solved brilliantly.
Thanks John de Murga, best wishes for 2011 and on! :D