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Posted: Mon 10 Jan 2011, 11:16
by einar
Is there a linux alternative to Terracopy ?

im using 5.2 and not having the progress bar and kb/s is frustratring.
and setting up a copy queue / resume on fail would be nice to.

Thanks for all help

Posted: Mon 10 Jan 2011, 15:06
by stu90
Not sure if this is what you are after but Midnight Commander has a progress/speed bar when copying/moving files.

Posted: Tue 11 Jan 2011, 07:21
by einar
stu90 wrote:Not sure if this is what you are after but Midnight Commander has a progress/speed bar when copying/moving files.
i was thinking of a small app. not a filemanager :) anyways MC looks to mutch like the NC i used back in the day. I think of puppy 5.2 as a modern system and i dont want mixed feelings. thats what i get from MC :) PCmanFM looks good. if this has a copy option and we can make it default filemanager i would have chosen that option.

can anyone look at these two programs ? ... form=linux

they are called ultracopier and minicopier

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 13:07
by CatDude
Hello einar
einar wrote:can anyone look at these two programs ? ... form=linux

they are called ultracopier and minicopier
That second one is simple enough to run. so long as you have the Java Runtime Environment (5.0 minimum) installed.

All you need to do is download MiniCopier-0.5.tar
and unpack it somewhere, you will get a directory called MiniCopier-0.5

Inside of that directory is a file called:, simply click on that and the application will start.


Tested in Puppy-4.32

Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 16:31
by amigo
A java GUI is gonna really slow down the rate of copying -even the progressbar in modern ROX-filer adds loads of CPU cycles. When I'm gonna copy something big, I oen a terminal and use cp to makes things faster. Being able to pause and resume a copy is nice -you could probably achieve the same result with wget. I've coded gauges and progress bars using Xdialog before, but even there you really waste a lot cycles checking the sizes of files, converting that to percentages, etc. The lighteste alternative is to not calculate sizes at all and just show a back-and-forth cursor or changing icons which indicate activity. Sorry, I just hate java more than nearly anything else...

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011, 09:36
by einar
CatDude wrote:Hello einar
einar wrote:can anyone look at these two programs ? ... form=linux

they are called ultracopier and minicopier
That second one is simple enough to run. so long as you have the Java Runtime Environment (5.0 minimum) installed.

All you need to do is download MiniCopier-0.5.tar
and unpack it somewhere, you will get a directory called MiniCopier-0.5

Inside of that directory is a file called:, simply click on that and the application will start.


Tested in Puppy-4.32

thanks CatDude, will try this at home :)

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011, 09:38
by einar
amigo wrote:A java GUI is gonna really slow down the rate of copying -even the progressbar in modern ROX-filer adds loads of CPU cycles. When I'm gonna copy something big, I oen a terminal and use cp to makes things faster. Being able to pause and resume a copy is nice -you could probably achieve the same result with wget. I've coded gauges and progress bars using Xdialog before, but even there you really waste a lot cycles checking the sizes of files, converting that to percentages, etc. The lighteste alternative is to not calculate sizes at all and just show a back-and-forth cursor or changing icons which indicate activity. Sorry, I just hate java more than nearly anything else...
Hi mr Amigo

what do you mean with "even the progressbar in modern ROX-filer adds loads of CPU cycles." is there a progress bar in rox filer ? and what do you mean by modern. Im using Lucid 5.2. does that have a old rox filer ?

thanks for help

regards Einar

Posted: Wed 26 Jan 2011, 11:05
by chrome307
I haven't tried this myself or compiled it either, but have you looked at 'Ultracopier' ?


Available here for various OSes:

Source ( build ): ... 16.tar.bz2