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Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 13:48
by nooby

Don't get me wrong now. I am a native Swede and are self taught English so have no nuances and often write harsly not knowing that that is so !!!!!

So bear with me now! :)

Good! Very good that you think of poor Swedes not knowing English.

You have menu in Swedish but you did not ask me if I wanted that?

Too bad! I have no idea how to translate back a Swedish word to the proper English computer term for it. I never talk Swedish doing computers. I've read about computers since say 1965 or so and always in English on our big Libraries for Royal High Tech School

So I know not a single word in Swedish for how to do menus. I fail to get around in the menus.

How do I get menu in English and keyboard in Swedish?

Ooops it was easy but I don't remember what I did but now I have English again. What a relief now I know how to find my way around hope I find the pmount now

The widgets is not shown if that is what the white space is supposed to accomplish.

oaky it is a Beta I know. But I write from it now and see not pmount or how to find the HDD :) Wow I feel crippled in my own language very embarrassing

So please make the language choice an opt in instead of opt out. :)

Cool that you have latest Firefox. I know others just love Seamonkey or Chrome or Opera but I 'm a FF guy

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 13:53
by nooby

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 14:25
by GrumpyWolfe
Hi nooby

I will be just guessing here but as I can best see when you go though the setup the first time set it to English then use the keyboard/mouse setup to change keyboard to you native language.

But sence you have it running change the language using the Chooselocale County localisation.

Pmount is in the bottom bar with a small floppy icon.

Some times the bottom bar does not have icons until you do a save file then they show up not found out why yet.

Let me know if this works for you

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 14:52
by nooby
Thanks I found it myself doing some trial and error

Yes it does work now Menu in English and keyboard knows Swedish åäö

but I fail to tell the default browser to use firefox

All else seems to work apart from that a newbie would drown in all the choices when one should see a picture. So many programs to go through not knowing the Viewnior is a good choice?

Same with editing a text. How do they know that Geany is an easy to use one?

And to find the Sda was not easy at all.

But that could be due to Xfce is something one have to get used to when one come from Puppy being used to that all hdd is shown as folders dirs on the desktop.

I am so lazy. I guess you do tell which puppy it is based on but now I 've already forgotten. Is this most likely puppy 511 or something because it boots and that is unusual on my Acer D250

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 15:58
by GrumpyWolfe
It is based on T2 not any puppy but the base that puppy started from. I am going to fix the firefox issue in next release. I am going to put in a few more right click entries in Thunar to make it easier to use. Most the the normal used program that you will find in puppy are still in MyWolfe just has a different desktop. I am trying to smooth out the rough edges give me some more time and input and I will get it there.

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 16:37
by nooby
Ooops sorry I should not have sounded critical. I guess me was grumpy.

I am not good at being social. Good luck with setting it as you want it.
That is the most important. That it feels good for you and you feel satisfied doing it. Most likely I will settle with Lighthouse or DiabluQ or puppy Studio or some other puppy with lots of music production in it.

LMMS is something my Synth need. I long for to be able to save melodies so I don't forget them.

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 17:42
by GrumpyWolfe

I took no offense with your commits I use all commits as a way to make MyWolfe be a puplet that many can use. I looked at your LMMS sounds interesting may play with it later. I do plan on compiling Libreoffice first not getting it from debian files like I did before. So please test MyWolfe and comment and help me make it better.

Posted: Wed 02 Feb 2011, 19:38
by nooby
I am a poor tester. I am too ADHD to be patient. I'm like a Butterfly from one puppy to another , DistroJunky or what the official condescending name is. Too impatient to really learn to use all the stuff well enough.

What coult I test. I have comment on that the biggest hurdle was to guess what program to use when I wanted to look at picture or see a music video clip.

Next ever bigger was that the Browser was not connected symlinked or what it is named to the Firefox. So it did not start up I had to go to Menu internet FF

But that one was in upper left corner while all are used to that it is in lower left corner :)

What more? Yes it started in my own native language. I know that is very polite and maybe most Swedes like that. But suppose you want to ask something. How do you refer to that thing in English if it is in Swedish? Very problematic.

Yes I know there are one or two puppy linux forums in Swedish even. Last time I checked they want one to be member even to read them.

why that secrecy. or is it an easy way to stop spammers? But our spammers here are members so that does not help much.

I don't know if I can help. You have to ask a specific thing for me to test then and still not know if I feel for it.

I'm like a Dev in that regard. I only do what I feel for. :)

Posted: Thu 03 Feb 2011, 04:30
by GrumpyWolfe
Hi nooby

what you have posted is what I was looking for feed back, firstly not sure about a work around on the language thing will have to look into that as time allows. The firefox issue is that Xfce only used what is in /usr/bin so am making a bin file for firefox there looking for a way to make it default. Have started building up right click menu in thunar that will let you select programs for a file type. Like to view a file viewnoir to edit pictures Gimp. For music or video file it will be Xine will look at what else need to be in there if you see anything that is needed point it out.

I set the default destop to use the Compositor which is under window manger tweaks it has some nice setups. Is that working good on your computer. Have you had any program failures.


Posted: Thu 03 Feb 2011, 05:54
by Shep
nooby wrote: I'm like a Butterfly from one puppy to another
A beautiful metaphor. Superbly described! 8) :lol: :) :P :P


Posted: Fri 04 Feb 2011, 17:50
by GrumpyWolfe
Just to post the link Mywolfe-027-rc1.iso

Posted: Fri 04 Feb 2011, 22:03
by nooby
Hi, I am in 027 now and to my surprise this one have the menu in Swedish too.

And I have forgotten how to tell it to have menu in English so I feel so crippled.

I sure know Swedish it is my first language but I only know computers in English. Crazy So I have to try to remember how I changed it last time. Did I write it in some post hopefully. I take a look.

How typical of me.

How do I get menu in English and keyboard in Swedish?

Ooops it was easy but I don't remember what I did but now I have English again. What a relief now I know how to find my way around hope I find the pmount now

I wrote this some posts ago. Gone with the wind as we say.

Have tested to surf and look at HDD pictures of cats and listen to mp4 music video clips and wmv clips and flv clips and all of that is good.

But .rm video files no sound so most likely I should edit the config to use ogg or something or set x11 or what?

11.15PM so should go to bed.

What else should I test?

mywolfe 027 rc1

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 02:54
by elraven
i'm using 027rc1 now. First boot went smooth ,sound ,and network came up without problems. I have even tried burniso2cd and it ran with no problems. It looks real good and i'm pleased with it. Good work Grump wolfe ,and i hope things are going well with you.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 05:20
by GrumpyWolfe
Hey nooby

goto menu setup chooselocale county localisation


thank you for test burniso2cd for I do not have a cd on my little notebook.

I would like to know if you have any problems with reboot or poweroff and do you have any problems doing a save file.

Do you see any programs that I may have removed that should of stayed let me know.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 06:10
by nooby
okay goto menu Check that was easy

setup That was easy too.
choose locale county localisation

I guess I have to take one at a time because nothing in Set up looks like that due to teh translation. Whom did chose the words in Swedish?

Is it an LXCE thing that came with some package or did you have to do it manually for each country?

How do I get sound on .rm videos in xine?

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 15:34
by GrumpyWolfe

I just download a .rm file and the sound played just fine so will you email me one of yours to

Next time you are setting up MyWolfe on the first screen when it ask language select English and next screen select Swedish. Tha will set things up the way you are wanting it. As for who set the wording it was someone on the Xfce team not sure who.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 15:50
by nooby
Yes I know they love to do localization because some locals want it this way. But then when they want to solve a problem and use gooble to translate the question then google has no idea what that Swedish word refer to and the linux devs have no idea either.

So it force the locals to create forums in their own languages and how many go to them? a handful at most.

Ooops the rm file does only exists on my HDD now it was from a Melodifestivalen presenting the local Swedish entries form a region. I guess it is a very typical Swedish Television variety so maybe no representative which explains why yours play with sound. Unless something is different with the Acer D250. So nope I will not send it.

what else should I test?

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 16:31
by GrumpyWolfe

Just in case check that your system speakers are not muted in the full menu on the speaker.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 18:21
by nooby
But I did have sound on mp4, wmv, flv, and mov but not the RM and all the other Puppies do have sound in that one if they are able to play it which most are.

Posted: Sat 05 Feb 2011, 20:55
by GrumpyWolfe

The most I can say is that Xine lib has it own ffmpeg built into its libs and does not use the system ffmpeg which if I am not wrong is what is used to convet or what ever it does using the codes to allow it to play just as mplayer does. That being said I am not fully up on all the media codes and so I use Xine for it plays most things well. I am not sure about this file that you have.


I did a google search and found a answer I think. Open thunar in root under view click show hidden files. look for /.xine/catalog.cache and open this in geany. around line 675 you will see this code

Code: Select all

supported_types=52494336 52559872 52756480 
You will need to change the decoder_priority from 6 to 10 see if that does not fix the problem.