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Small Windowmanager Enlightenment DR 16-7

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 09:12
by MU

Big screenshot:


This is a small, fast and beautifull Windowmanager.

It wants you to "think different", as some things don't work as in JWM, Puppys default-Desktop.

You can set several options in E16 with a RIGHT or MIDDLE-click to the Desktop or windows.
For example, that minimized windows are displayed as small screenshots (iconbox).
Or that the bottom of the screen moves like a sea (fx-waves).
Take some time, to explore all options.

Download ... 1023#41023

to move borderless Windows like the Iconbox, click it, and hold the left ALT-Key.

As the iconbox just shows minimized windows, and there is no Taskbar, click with the middle mousebutton on the Topbar, to see a Window-list.
Or install fbpanel:
I also included an Mac-Expose-like window-overview.

If you use a Mousecurser-Dotpup, the less beautifull Enlightenment-cursors might disturb.
When you choose a new theme the first time, it is extracted to /root/.enlightenment/themes.
Simply delete all "cursors.cfg"-files there, and E16 does not use own cursors.

If you need Trayicons, try this Dotpup:
I don't know, if E16 itself supports trayicons.

If you want "Mac-like" icons (mouseover-effect), use tablaunch


Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 10:01
by Lobster
Thanks Mark :)
This is probably as close to enlightenment as I will ever get.

You might say I am enlightened now . . .
What a strange place.

We have to use the full wxbasic (PuppyBasic is not enough?)
I used the full version because that is what is suggested
I downloaded and installed ALL the .pup including the themes
(I nearly got stuck in one just now - using the middle mouse button allowed me out)

I thought fluxbox was weird but this is something completely different . . .

I am assuming that
ctrl + alt + backspace
xstart jwm
will get me back to Kansas (or the default window manager)?

Something very different . . .

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 10:06
by MU

Code: Select all

xstart JWM 
xwin jwm
will do it.
Yes, the menu needs wxBasic, not Puppybasic.

Enlightenment is a typical UNIX-Desktop, for example the focus-handling is irritating for Windows-users.
One of the first things I have set up, is that a window raises, when I click into it.
I also enlarged the Iconbox, and the size of the mini-screenshots (thumbnails).


Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 10:17
by Lobster
My mistake (JWM = jwm) corrected

I also could not work out how to turn on the PuppywxB_menu so it runs in Enlightenment? Will have to read your first post again . . .

I am not used to UNIX so this is very new - but very interesting. It also seems solid (so far anyways)

Be interested in how others get on . . . 8)

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 10:48
by MU
You can run the menu in /root/.xinitrc

Add before "exec $CURRENTWM" this line:
/usr/local/Puppy-wxB-menue-0.8/Puppy-wxB-menue &
Then it will start with Enlightenment.

Or click it in a ROX-window.
To start a ROX-window:
Click on the Desktop, -> User Application list -> XTerm
In xterm, type "rox".


Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 14:01
by Lobster
thanks Mark - who else is "enlightened"?

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 19:09
by Nevermore
i am very interested..
what about making a wiki entry "howto install enlightenment?"
i will try tonite or tomorrow :D

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 21:10
by Rhino

That is really teaching Puppy a new trick!

Small, fancy, different and sure to turn some heads about Linux.

That is remarkable...thanks for the dotpup. It will take some getting used to, but well worth it.

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 21:43
by Nevermore
is great!
but is there any way to import puppy menues into it?
also i was not able to install the dragndrops icons..

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 21:55
by MU
Try running the icons after installing the Dotpup, by typing in a XTerm:

/usr/local/DragnDrop-Icons/run-dnd &

If it works, add that command to /root/.xinitrc before the line "exec $CURRENTWM".

If you get an errormessage, please post it here.

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 22:24
by Rhino
My regular desktop icons seemto work just fine. I don't have sound set up to work properly yet, and I can get around the puppy menu by dragging the icons from Rox onto the desktop.

Any idea how to get it to use my sound?

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 22:57
by MU
Oh fine Rhino.
I just see, enlightenment had modified my /root/.xinitrc

If ROX-icons are not visible, open a Xterm, and type
leafpad /root/.xinitrc

Delete the line
exec /usr/bin/enlightenment

Then it should work with ROX-icons.

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 23:20
by Nevermore
yes MU even at me, i see rox icon on my desktop..
most of the application i use are on the desktop already..but i really wish i could use the puppy menu from jwm also..

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2006, 23:39
by MU
Nevermore, did you try the wxb-menu mentioned?
It displays the entries from the JWM-menu.

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 00:14
by Nevermore
yup MU i installed the dotpup..
but still the menu is empty...
i followed the instruction..first installed wxbasic then the menu..
but the only thing i see is the default menu..

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 00:35
by MU
Do you use Grafpup?
I think it has no /root/.jwmrc.
You can download one here:
Extract to /root (ATTENTION: this overwrites an existing .jwmrc!)
It is not identical to the grafpup-menu, but I think several applications are the same.

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 00:39
by MU
Here is a small program to edit the Enlightenment-menu.
Install the Dotpup, and run it from the Dotpups-menu.
Or drag it to the Desktop.
Or run "e16menuedit" in a console.
Or click the"Hammer" icon in the ambermetal-theme.

Download (35 kb)


Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 02:35
by Rhino
This just keeps getting better !

:D :D :D

Thanks Mark!

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 09:11
by Nevermore
MU wrote:Do you use Grafpup?
I think it has no /root/.jwmrc.
You can download one here:
Extract to /root (ATTENTION: this overwrites an existing .jwmrc!)
It is not identical to the grafpup-menu, but I think several applications are the same.
nope i use puppy 1.0.8 frugal install on hdd...
is it only me that has this problem?

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 09:36
by MU
Nevermore, can you please attach your zipped .jwmrc for tests?


Epplets 0.7.1


Small borderless windows displaying CPU-load, Network-traffic, Mixer, and more.

Download (2MB):
They require libGL and libGLU, you can install those with PupGet (package xorg-GL).

Install the Dotpup, restart Enlightenment.
Now you should have a menu-entry for Epplets, when you click with the left mousebutton on your Desktop.

If you don't have it, edit
and add this line:

Code: Select all

"Enlightenment Epplets"	NULL	menu	""
Special case:
If your have xcomposite enabled in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you must add these 2 lines to /root/.xinitrc:
Without these values, the Epplets will look "broken".
