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Sbagen for binaural beats

Posted: Wed 09 Feb 2011, 05:03
by duck1dong
In tgz format lucid 5.2 will readily unzip. If you know how to get them to run or anything to run for that matter, please say how. Im clueless how to run programs not installed on the desktop in this new OS.

This sbagen is a great resource for mood alternating sounds that you can program in notepad. It rocks!!!

Posted: Fri 11 Feb 2011, 23:00
by disciple
Re this in some of your locked threads:
If it complains that it can't open /dev/dsp, then something else is
hogging it, so you need to shut the browser and anything else which
might be trying to play something, or is waiting to play something
(e.g. on pause).
It is possible to make oss applications share the soundcard using Alsa-oss: ... 349#464349