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Classic Puppy (or linux) quotes!

Posted: Sun 13 Feb 2011, 00:10
by disciple
What Puppy related quotes do you remember best?
Let's preserve our cultural heritage for future generations :)

Here are some of my favourites.

Forum/blog posts:
BarryK wrote:The must-[not-]run-as-root mind-set is there of course. It is more a religious statement than anything else. ... 910#446910
Nathan F wrote:the users are not the evil ones. They are not the ones who need to be kept from harming their systems. They should be empowered to make decisions about how their computers operate, and have the right to decide what programs run on the machines they paid for and how they run. I will repeat this part - they should be empowered.
Ubuntu has purposely crippled the ability to log in as root, and instead has configured sudo so that one user can run ANY command as superuser by typing their password. Well, in that case that one user is for all intents and purposes root. This is circular logic that really makes no sense and it is definately not how sudo was intended to be used. Futhermore it has lead a lot of people to the conclusion that sudo is insecure and to be avoided. This is patently false. ... pport.html
mikeb wrote:I would be pointing the finger at gtk2...the source of all bugginess ... 455#380455
tempestuous wrote:Guys, I find this thread very interesting.
But ...
What are you intending to run this on? A Linux-powered wrist-watch! ... 389#447389

Signatures (sorry, ATM I can only remember some I've used myself):
Need a laugh? Remember "Better than Vista" (Windows 7)
"Dad, do they still make second hand cars?"
(My brother actually said this for real!)
Root forever!
Can anyone remember the origin of that one? EDIT DaveS has claimed it. Thanks Dave!

Posted: Sat 19 Feb 2011, 08:52
by disciple
No replies! Maybe people don't share my sense of humour...

Miriam has one of the most classic signatures... I'm pretty sure it isn't original:
A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?

Posted: Sat 19 Feb 2011, 13:12
by Sylvander
That's given me the 1st belly-laugh of the day. :lol:

Don't know any good/great quotes, but want to read them.
Will subscribe.

Posted: Sat 19 Feb 2011, 23:41
by disciple
thane wrote:I don't think Microsoft has done much to make simple, intuitive apps and operating systems that "just work". It's more like they've added layers of complexity to insulate the user from the computer. Windows isn't a car with an automatic transmission (compared to stick-shift Linux). It's a chauffeured limo with smoked glass. The chauffeur likes to argue with you and every now and then runs off and leaves you stranded with no idea where you are. ... 180#352180

Posted: Sat 19 Feb 2011, 23:42
by disciple
On proprietary software: ... thedral_61
Although I must point out that proprietary freeware is often excellent.

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 00:21
by disciple
Of course Linus has plenty of good quotes, and some truly great ones:
  • Do you pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?

    Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen an angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100 mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.

    Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)

    the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it.

    Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect.

    Nobody should start to undertake a large project. You start with a small trivial project, and you should never expect it to get large. If you do, you'll just overdesign and generally think it is more important than it likely is at that stage. Or worse, you might be scared away by the sheer size of the work you envision. So start small, and think about the details. Don't think about some big picture and fancy design. If it doesn't solve some fairly immediate need, it's almost certainly over-designed. And don't expect people to jump in and help you. That's not how these things work. You need to get something half-way useful first, and then others will say "hey, that almost works for me", and they'll get involved in the project.

    We all know Linux is great … it does infinite loops in 5 seconds

    Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems.

    A computer is like air conditioning: it becomes useless when you open Windows.

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 00:43
by `f00
not in the forum, but levity @ end of session

Code: Select all

Your session has been saved to disc unless it has not, which is a mistake
not real sure of the wording there, but often the humor saved my personal session regardless

and this immortal view on 2nd hand exceptions
bugman wrote:sadly, though i can buy damn near everything else used, thus doing my bit in reducing all manufacturing [and landfilling to boot], food has to be bought new

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 06:58
by DaveS
Root Forever came from me. I had just read yet another 'is Puppy secure thread' :)

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 07:31
by disciple
Great, thanks.

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 11:49
by russoodle
I'm loving this thread, thanks disciple.

Can't think of anything off-hand, although i know i've laughed myself into a face-ache on occasion here. If we trawled 01micko's and puppyluvr's posts for a start, there's bound to be some good fodder amongst them :lol:

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 16:14
by obxjerry
I was in a bad, generally PO'd at the world, mood when I started reading this thread but now I'm bright and cheery.


Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 17:40
by DaveS
I like the creativity of signatures. Here are two I can remember just now:

Code: Select all

I live my life as a warning to others

Code: Select all

Its no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society

Posted: Sun 20 Feb 2011, 21:17
by battleshooter
Great idea Disciple :)

Over the years there has been witty fitting comments and notorious sigs on the forum, some which I've had a good laugh at are mused at the profoundness (or both at the same time :) ) it would be a pity to loose them.

Right now I'm digging Obxjerry's current sig:

Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketchup
Profound and amusing... much like Puppy, perfect ;)


microsoft quote

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 22:55
by disciple
Yes, I also really like that one.

This is getting way off topic, but I just saw a hilarious quote from Microsoft:
As with all Microsoft technology, street level imagery and Bing maps were designed with security and privacy concerns in mind.
All Microsoft technology!? Security!? Who do they think they're kidding?

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 00:54
by disciple
Keeping with the medieval theme, SirDuncan's signature rather appeals to me. I think he may have had some different good ones in the past too.
Be brave that God may help thee, speak the truth even if it leads to death, and safeguard the helpless. - A knight's oath

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 22:04
by disciple
Way off topic again, this quote from a thread complaining about file naming in Windows explorer:
Well, you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time. However, it would appear you can piss off 100% of the people 100% of the time if you try hard enough.

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 23:58
by MinHundHettePerro
And, ... the most hilarious sig-link was your very own "Remember Vista" :D :D.

Cheers :)/MHHP

Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2011, 06:50
by bones01
disciple wrote:On proprietary software: ... thedral_61
Although I must point out that proprietary freeware is often excellent.
ha ha ha ha

Posted: Wed 09 Mar 2011, 00:01
by plankenstein
A quote that my father used to tell me, and I have since made famous (or infamous :roll: ) with my kids. "Everything in life is a trade-off". Think about it. :wink:

As a side note, have you ever noticed how idiots will tell you how wise they are, but truly wise people will tell what idiots they are? :?

Posted: Wed 09 Mar 2011, 06:07
by DaveS
Damn Plankenstien, I had forgotten about your brilliant signature :)