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After power failure I can't boot up anymore

Posted: Wed 02 Mar 2011, 00:20
by bigfoot
(I hope I have hit the right forum for my problem, if not, please excuse)

I use a frugal install on harddisk on my old laptop with 192MB RAM for years.
Now I have had a power failure with puppy linux v4.21 up.
If I fire up puppy now, it starts as usually, but doesn't start the gui and shows an emergency screen telling me that X was interrupted maybe due to a power failure and suggests to try X nevertheless or the command terminal or to wait 30 seconds.
Well, no matter what I try it leads to a an unclean reset, the laptop simply reboots.
I have already tried to fsck.ext2 the pup_safe.2fs from a knoppix cd but it doesn't help.

Any suggestions how I can revieve my 2fs or how to investigate the cause for the reset?

Posted: Wed 02 Mar 2011, 01:34
by technosaurus
If you are just looking to retrieve data, you can mount it.... just rename it to without the extension so that it isn't found at boot.

Posted: Wed 02 Mar 2011, 09:39
by Sylvander
1. To scan & fix the partition_file_system, that is holding your frugal install:

(a) Boot the live Puppy CD [that matches your frugal install], using the puppy pfix=ram command...
Or else...
(b) Boot a different live puppy CD, with no command entered...
(c) Run "Menu->System->GParted"...
Choose the physical HDD on which is the partition holding your frugal install...
Right-click the partition...
Choose "check" [to scan and fix the partition_file_system].

2. This kind of problem is one of the reasons I choose to boot using a "live" CD, and use a pupsave [and SFS file] held on an ext3 partition_file_system.
(a) If, after an improper power-off, the Puppy has been adversely affected...
It's pretty easy to fix...
First the partition holding the pupsave....
And then fix the Linux filesystem inside the pupsave itself.
That usually fixes the problem.
(b) The latest Puppies...
e.g. Lupu-520...
Normally auto-scan_and_fix both of these filesystems...
And recover elegantly, when the filesystems are ext3.