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Aria2 version 1.10.9

Posted: Wed 02 Mar 2011, 15:05
by Michalis
aria2 is a light-weight multi-protocol & multi-source download utility operated in command-line. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent (DHT, PEX, MSE/PE), and Metalink.

aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. It supports downloading a file from HTTP(S)/FTP and BitTorrent at the same time, while the data downloaded from HTTP(S)/FTP is uploaded to the BitTorrent swarm. Using Metalink's chunk checksums, aria2 automatically validates chunks of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent.

There are other alternatives, such as wget and curl, but aria2 has two distinctive features: (1) aria2 can download a file from several URIs(HTTP(S)/FTP/BitTorrent) and (2) If you give aria2 a list of URIs, aria2 downloads them concurrently. You don't have to wait for the current download queue to finish one file at a time anymore. aria2 tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth and downloads files quickly.

Aria2 is a command line only utility. If you want a gui frontend you can install the aria2fe pet. I haven't tested whether it works well with the new versions of aria2 but it should be. More informations of aria2fe at the website

Here is the aria2 program

and the locales

If for any reason you want an older version you can find here

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 09:39
by eden6000
Hi Michalis, I've tried it on lucid 5.2, but it seems it requires (the gui version) qt?
EDIT: Sorry, it was already said in muggin's post....

Updated to version 1.11.0

Posted: Mon 21 Mar 2011, 18:38
by Michalis
Updated to version 1.11.0


* Updated gettext to 0.18

* Added JSON-RPC support. --enable-xml-rpc was deprecated and --enable-rpc should be used instead. Similarly, --xml-rpc-* options were replaced with --rpc-* options. We are implementing JSON-RPC based on JSON-RPC 2.0 draft spec.

* Fixed rounding error in DownloadEngine::run(). This fixes the bug that executeCommand() with Command::STATUS_ALL is not called in every interval correctly because of rounding error in timer.

* Refresh buckets at DHT initialization without checking serialized time. Checking serialized time does not work if you stop aria2 as soon as it started DHT. The serialized time in dht.dat will be updated, but buckets are not updated and still old. When you restart aria2 again soon, it does not refresh buckets because serialized time is recent.

* Save downloads added by aria2.addTorrent or aria2.addMetalink in --save-session file. Uploaded data are saved as file named hex string of sha1 hash of uploaded data plus extension(".torrent" for torrent and ".meta4" for metalink). For example, 0a3893293e27ac0490424c06de4d09242215f0a6.torrent. The directory where these files are saved is specified by --dir option. These file paths are written in --save-session file.

* Fixed the bug that causes segmentation fault when unpause RequestGroup which has resolved BtDependency.

* Look for USERPROFILE and the combination of HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH to get user's home directory in MinGW32 build. Usually HOME environment variable is defined in *nix like OSes, but not in Windows. So in MinGW32 build, if HOME is not defined, we also look for USERPROFILE and the combination of HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH.

* Fixed the bug that DownloadContext::basePath_ is not escaped.

* Added Date, Expires and Cache-Control response header field to RPC response.

* Added --async-dns-server option. This option accepts comma separated list of DNS server addresses used in asynchronous DNS resolver. Usually asynchronous DNS resolver reads DNS server addresses from /etc/resolv.conf. When this option is used, it uses DNS servers specified in this option instead of ones in /etc/resolv.conf. You can specify both IPv4 and IPv6 address. This option is useful when the system does not have /etc/resolv.conf and user does not have the permission to create it.

* Accept https:// and ftp:// in proxy options and environment variables.

* Fixed overflow in the calculation of progress percentage for file allocation and hash check when off_t is 32bit.

* Accept HTTP 304 reply as success when If-None-Match request-header field is specified using --header option. When --conditional-get is used, --allow-overwrite is now required to overwrite existing file.

* Added aria2.removeDownloadResult RPC method. The method signature is aria2.removeDownloadResult(gid). This method removes completed/error/removed download denoted by gid from memory. This method returns "OK" for success.

* Use IP address of control connection to connect to the remote server in FTP passive mode.

* Don't check permission of .netrc file in MinGW32 build.

* Added --retry-wait option. This option was once existed in aria2 but erased on 2009-09-20. Now it is resurrected once again. We choose 0 as default value for backward compatibility. Now we retry HTTP download when remote server returns "503 Service Unavailable" if --retry-wait > 0. We also added error code 29: HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.

* Don't show metadata download and paused download in "Download Results".

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2011, 01:30
by abushcrafter
Compiled in?