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Cinelerra in 5.2 crashes when it tries to open an mp4 file

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 02:47
by gary
I installed Cinelerra from Quickpet. It places the utility windows on the screen; i.e. Editor, viewer, compositor, etc., but as soon as I open an MP4 file it totally bails with no error message or warning - you are simply put back to the desktop! I have viewed all the tutorials on the web and this software looks exactly like what I am looking for (and, as a former Mac user, am used to), but it doesn't run. I have also read the threads on this proggie that all seem to fizzle out with no resolution. My question is... does anyone one know if this currently runs under Pup 5.2, or am I beating a dead horse?

Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2011, 00:42
by live
Well Cinelerra runs for me, but haven't tried with mp4.
Getting tired going to bed.

Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2011, 04:00
by Makoto
Are you sure your CPU and RAM are powerful enough for h.264 and HD playback/editing? (An .MP4 video implies h.264/AVC video, possibly HD quality. Either of those can require a lot of horsepower to play, much less edit (and in some cases, probably even load, if it's a large file.)

That it's simply disappearing when you load an MP4 implies that it's running out of memory, or possibly doing something the system doesn't like. Are there any logs generated? (I don't use Cinelerra, so I couldn't say whether or not it does create logs, or where they would be.) If you open a terminal and start Cinelerra from there, then try opening an .MP4, does it list any hints as to what the problem might be (especially after the program disappears)?

Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2011, 10:28
by live
Try to do the same with another file type or convert your file to another format.
Try with a "lighter" file.

Posted: Wed 09 Mar 2011, 03:21
by Makoto
You might want to save converting for a last resort, though (or if you do try it, make sure not to delete the source). Any re-encoding or converting usually incurs a quality hit, to some extent.

ffconvert mpeg to mp4 solves the problem.

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2014, 09:38
by Pelo
ffconvert mpeg to mp4 solves the problem. However cinelarra never has been a safe tool. Cinelerra has a pretty skin, that's true. For editing video, it's not enough. Cinelerra is not for beginners :
There are two types of moviegoers: producers who create new content
and revisit it for further refinement, and consumers who want to
acquire the content and watch it. Cinelerra is not intended for
consumers. Cinelerra has many features for uncompressed content, high
resolution processing, and compositing. Producers need these features
in order to retouch many generations of footage, which makes Cinelerra
very complex. Consumers should consider other tools such as Avidemux
(`'), Kino (`') or Kdenlive

Cinelerra 5 the last 32-bit & Cinelerra 6

Posted: Fri 10 Feb 2017, 15:11
by Pelo
Cinelerra 5 the last 32-bit & Cinelerra 6 mikeslr provides latest version here
Edit movies is not easy, but with cinelerra it's quite impossible.