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Unicode font support

Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2011, 16:40
by journeyer
Hi All,

What would it take to add support for rendering complex unicode fonts (devanagari) in puppy linux ? If someone could give me some pointers about this, I can work on this.

I think this will involve adding new truetype unicode fonts (e.g. Mangal which is included in newer versions of windows). New versions of ubuntu support the devanagari fonts out of the box, so there has got to be "free" font available which can be included. This could be something that we can probably handle with a SFS or a pet package for supporting indian languages (Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit).


Re: Unicode font support

Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011, 14:49
by musher0
journeyer wrote:Hi All,

What would it take to add support for rendering complex unicode fonts (devanagari) in puppy linux ? If someone could give me some pointers about this, I can work on this.

I think this will involve adding new truetype unicode fonts (e.g. Mangal which is included in newer versions of windows). New versions of ubuntu support the devanagari fonts out of the box, so there has got to be "free" font available which can be included. This could be something that we can probably handle with a SFS or a pet package for supporting indian languages (Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit).

Hello, journeyer,

The person to ask on this forum is shinobar. He has produced recently a multinational wary 5.0 with support for complex languages including Korean and Japanese. But, being Japanese, he might have more pressing things to attend to at the moment.....

You may check out if your language is covered by downloading his work on wary 5.

Doing a seach on this board with "wary" as subject and "shinobar" as author of the message should get you there in a wink.

Best regards,


Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011, 17:12
by journeyer
Thanks musher0! That search opened a treasure chest. I will check those links out.

For now I would be happy with just having the fonts rendered correctly when browsing. But the idea of complete OS & applications as originated by shinobar is awesome!


Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2011, 17:22
by musher0
"A treasure chest", eh? That's great!

I'm :D that I could be of help! :)

Re: Thanks!

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2011, 20:46
by Dougal
journeyer wrote:For now I would be happy with just having the fonts rendered correctly when browsing.
Isn't that just a matter of installing the relevant font and configuring the browser to use it (or not even that -- it might automatically use it when needed)?

Just adding fonts helped

Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2011, 21:22
by journeyer
This is an update. Just adding the fonts that supported the characters in the given range seems to work for firefox. Chromium renders them somewhat strangely however!