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Puppy Mozilla 1.0.2 RC available now for testing

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 07:32
by Lobster
Writing this from the Release candidate of Puppy. So it works. The first thing is the boot up checks and updates from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (took a couple of minutes)

This is very useful and important and a welcome addition.

The interface and settings are very familiar. The work is in the new kernel. Now I do not know if it is supposed to be BUT it felt more responsive and faster - perhaps 30% (could be by imagination) Is it meant to be?

There are two firewall wizards and I have sent Barry an error report from the Linux Firewall I tried installing. Used the Morizot. Went OK (the wizard asks you the type of connection you have)

I can not remember if there was a TK console before (I think there was) So much in Pup . . . but for those of us interested in tcl - here we come . . .

What I want to do is try a wheel serial mouse - see if that works . . .
Sylpheed seems to have stopped working - dunno why? I was just starting to use it . . . Back to Mozilla mail . . .

So the good News (initial) is that the transition to the new kernel seems to be painless.

Excellent. OK this is just an initial impression. It is almost as if nothing has happened.


It means that our new pups will have the benefits of more hardware recognition and old pups will have a familar interface . . .

OK just about to reboot to make sure that is working then gonna get rid of Puppy001 and start from scartch . . .

If you got the inclination download and "put it through its hoops".

The new Nutty Pup (new kernel) is here . . .

Good job Barry :lol:

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 11:59
by Guest
Sylpheed is working fine for me.

Note, I'm using the same old pup001 for the last few months -- I keep booting up new versions, old versions, experimental versions -- everything is still working.

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 12:01
by Guest
Lobster, Peter,
have you got a sacrificial computer in which to install Puppy with Grub, try out the latest install script?

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 13:34
by 3133
A hard drive type 2 install went without a hitch on to a desktop running an Athlon XP 2200.
My only quibble lies in some of the script instructions. For example, when asked to bypass the floppy creation, the script says "any other key". This doesn't work unless ENTER is pressed thereafter, and if the any other key is SPACE the script thnks you want the boot floppy.

Booting the cd gave no trouble on this machine, but I'm finding problems with both my laptops concerning X. Will enlarge upon this after some more experimentation.

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 14:34
by Lobster
Anonymous wrote:Lobster, Peter,
have you got a sacrificial computer in which to install Puppy with Grub, try out the latest install script?
I worship my computer . . .

OK see that HD in the pic - that is the one that will be sacrificed.

I'll have to do cleansing mantras too . . .

Will report back . . .


Official Cructacean aka Lobster prepares for the sacrifical HD :evil:

HD Install from Wizard

Posted: Tue 10 May 2005, 16:05
by Lobster
It took me 40 mins. Here is what happened. I used a 1.2gig fireball - that had a previous Puppy on it

The HD was split into aprox 990 meg primary ex2 hda1
and 250 meg ext2 hda2

(meanwhile someone was smoking the house with burning barley - that must have been the sacrificial offering - cereal is a traditional burnt offering)


choose option 2
For some reason I could not fathom (maybe because stuff was on the HD - it did not like the hda1 (even after a repartition)

So I installed to hda2 (which really is just a swap disk - but anyway that it accepted). Got confused with the text and pressed enter or not enter or something and whilst trying to bypass creating a floppy boot disk (no worries I just made one)
In fact the grub installation was the best part (even though that is usually dire) and it launched straight into it from HD wizard (there is also Grub config
- one thing that is confusing is grub uses hda1 to mean hda2 - so I changed this on the boot and selected MBR as suggested
- then booted up and here I am (after connecting to the net in three button clicks)
I am wondering if cfdisk should be called up for a new install?
And not knowing whether I should have formatted or otherwise prepared the HD was confusing
Ideally once the HD is NEW or the partition is choosen
it should inform me of what is available and then offer to install
- yes I want Grub (or with other installations on the hard disk I might not but might edit?) - yes I want it on MBR - advanced users can have another script?

Hope this helps

I have a slow bios - it took 25 secs to get the grub boot loader
Puppy took 28 secs to boot from Grub into the Puppy desktop
- which seems about the same as booting from CD with 1.0.1


Re: HD Install from Wizard

Posted: Wed 11 May 2005, 23:41
by BarryK
Lobster wrote: I have a slow bios - it took 25 secs to get the grub boot loader
Puppy took 28 secs to boot from Grub into the Puppy desktop
- which seems about the same as booting from CD with 1.0.1
That's odd.
H.d. boot should be much faster.
can you see where in the boot process it seems to be waiting awhile?

Sound gone

Posted: Fri 13 May 2005, 11:42
by Lobster
the mouse code (not whatever I reported before)
is 0060 on the boot up

Another problem is sound

I have just booted 1.0.1 - it recognised my sound card and played the example files with gxine
1.0.2 does not with the same hardware which is an inbuilt via sound chip

I ran xproc / sound and advanced
and tried to export or cut and paste the info
could not (I hoped to send it in)

got bored
a fish swam by . . .

I am distracted . . .

just gonna download netwag

Posted: Fri 13 May 2005, 12:05
by BarryK
VIA -- ah, yes, I recall a change in modules names from K2.4 to K2.6
-- perhaps Antonio Gallo's detection program is still trying to load the old module.

Do that thing with Control panel -> Hardware probe
and get the 1234:4567 chip number for audio -- I'll look in the database and see what driver module it is trying to load.

You could also do "lsmod" and see if anything sound-related has loaded.

Posted: Fri 13 May 2005, 12:32
by Lobster
viaudiocombo: Via Technologies AC97 Compatible Controller (1106:3059) detected :shock:

- dunno what ismod is? :oops: